TMX SAYS: Merry Christmas from Team TMX!
By TMX Archives on 16th Dec 15

So the floods have receded and the powers back on and the TMX behemoth just keeps on keeping on. This week were all flat-out with edition 2002 which as it happens is our Christmas issue
The past 12 months have gone by really fast and what a year it's been for dirt bike sports in the UK and beyond. From brand-new events such as Red Bull Breakers through to the old classics such as The Scott, we've pretty much covered them all week in week out. And that's one hell of a task for a tiny team based t'up north in Morecambe.
It's a common misconception that our editorial team is huge and we've got huge amounts of resources at our disposal but that's really not the case. With four full-time employees, a couple of part-timers and a highly committed team of contributors – who we couldn't do it without – we cram an incredible amount of work into a really short space of time to ensure that TMX reaches newsagents shelves every Thursday. With the amount of challenges we face – troublesome technology being #1 on that list – it really is quite the achievement that we get a paper out at all some weeks.
I guess what I'm saying is that Mannix, Jason, Beth, David, Sean, Alan and Allan are definitely all ready for a break and hopefully they'll get a good one over the Christmas period because we're back with another issue (2003) on New Year's Eve!
There are an incredible amount of trials on over the weekend following Jesus' birthday – I've counted no fewer than 26 in the three-day period from Boxing Day through to the Bank Holiday Monday – which is an impressive amount. Hopefully we'll get the reports and images in nice and early and we'll have plenty to share with you in our next issue!
After that things get mental with the Arenacross series launching on January 2, and then the X-Trial World Championship kicks off in Sheffield – at the same time as the AMA Supercross series gets going in Anaheim – the week after. It's fair to say that 2016 really starts with a bang and I for one can't wait to see what it chucks at us...
Our postie has been in an awful mood this week after you lot weighed down their sack with entries to our Crazy Christmas Giveaway. We received our first batch through last Friday and they've been coming thick and fast ever since. As things stand, right now, there are a few days left to run before we can go about picking us some winners, which I'm actually pretty excited about. I'm much less excited about packaging up almost 40 prizes but I'll endeavour to get as many out in time for Christmas as I can...
In other news Toni Bou gave us all a Christmas gift to remember this week when he shared a video that proves he is human after all and that there are things that he can't actually do on a motorcycle. I'm sure trials riders everywhere will feel as good about this as I do as Bou's ridiculous skills on a motorcycle leave me feeling inadequate in so many ways. You can see the video for yourself by checking out our Facebook page –
Merry Christmas y'all!