T/shock ready for take-off...
By John Dickinson on 21st Mar 14

It is just eight weeks since the concept of a National Twinshock series was first floated and amazingly the first round is upon us this Sunday!
Entries for Mow Cop at Congleton in Cheshire have flowed in for the two-lap course of 20 subs over a four mile circuit with both Expert and Clubmen routes.
It is reported that the wooded banks are in prime condition and have dried out considerably from the recent wet weather.
The concept of the series is to not only provide a challenge to the twin shock, monoshock and Britshock stars but a gentler outing for the Clubmen over easier sections.
There are actually three classes: 1) Historic unaltered Spanish twin-shocks, 2) Twin-shocks and Pre-65 Britshocks and 3) Air-cooled mono.
The simple aim is to persuade people who have such machines lying around in their garages to get the dust off them and get them going again .
At the moment there are six definite rounds but there is a possibility there will be seven or even eight
Sponsors include The Twin Shock shop in Sidmouth, Devon, In Motion run by Dave Renham in Staines, Middlesex, Dave Ingram, who is widely known as stavvhorley and deals in twinshocks and classics. Then there's Hofmann Precision Balancing ltd who deal with anything mechanical that needs balancing
Trophies for the series are provided as fiollows:
Class A - Aircooled mono machines – The John Shirt (Senior) Trophy.
Class B - Historic Spanish machines – The Mick Bowers Trophy.
Class C –Twin Shocks machines – The Yrjo Vesterinen Trophy.
Best Britshock: The Anita Salt Trophy.
At each round an Observers Draw will take place before the start at 10am when a lottery ball will be drawn from the bag by the clerk of the course to decide the three lucky observer winners for the cash prizes which are a mighty £100, £50 and £25 respectively. With an incentive like this at each round there should be no observer shortage!
It has also been decided that when calculating the final series positions a rider's worst score will be dropped.
This allows for a mechanical failure or perhaps riders missing a round due to holidays etc.
Scoring in each class on each route is etc.
In the case of a tie the decider the advantage will go to the older rider.
This is a series that has become reality incredibly quickly - and it has been enthusiastically received.
On Monday evening the entry for the opening Congleton round (details in Regs Available at the rear of this paper) was already 65 and as entries will be taken right up to the start it could well reach the magic three figures.
Riders guaranteed are Spaniard Javier Cruz, Rob Bowyer, Kev Nolan, Roma Kyrnyckyj, Dave Wood and Rob Faulkner.
Full report next week!