Weather causes clubs to cancel weekend events

By TMX Archives on 23rd Mar 13


With forecasts of high winds, rain and snow for this weekend many off-road sporting events are sure to fall foul of the weather.

With forcasts of high winds, rain and snow all forecast for this weekend many off-road sporting events are sure to fall foul of the weather.

Listed below are the events scheduled for this weekend which we have been notified as being cancelled as of Friday afternoon (March 22).
It would be advisable to check with the organiser/ secretary of the meeting, begfore setting out for any event, rather than having a wasted journey.
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The second round of the Maxxis British Championship at Canada Heights, Button Street, Swanley, on Sunday (March 24) was cancelled earlier this week as it became apparent to officials of the organising Sidcup and DMCC that the parking areas were not in a fit state to accept vehicles.
On top of that there was a forecast of high winds and snowfall in the local area this weekend.
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The heavy snowfalls in the North Yorkshire have caused the late cancellation of Ilkley Motor Club's famous Ilkley Grand National Trial.
The cross country motorcycle event has taken place for almost a century on the Middleton and Beamsley Moors in Yorkshire.
The eight mile all moorland course is under snow, up to two feet deep in places.
Clerk of Course Adrian Tate carried out an inspection at lunch-time on Friday and deemed the event had to be cancelled.
The initial entry list included some 50 competitors, travelling from Derbyshire, Lancashire and Westmorland. 
Many riders have been informed by text and telephone.
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Saturday's (March 23) Weardale club's Saturday Series Trial at Rogerley Quarry, Frosterley in Weardale, has been cancelled.
The cancellation has been caused by the weather.
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Snowy weather has also caused the cancellation of round two of Spen Valley MCC's RAS-Sport Novice and Beginner Trials Series at Calderhead Farm, Cliver, this Saturday (March 23).
The event has been re-scheduled to run at the same venue on Sunday, March 31.
*  *  *  *  *
Twin-shock SC (Scotland) has called off the opening round of the Twin-shock Scrambles Championship this Sunday (March 24) at Penicuik.
Heavy snowfall is forecast in Scotland this weekend.
Listed below are the events scheduled for this weekend which we have been notified as being cancelled as of Friday afternoon (March 22).
It would be advisable to check with the organiser/ secretary of the meeting, before setting out for any event this weekend, rather than having a wasted journey.
*  *  *  *  *
The second round of the Maxxis British Championship at Canada Heights, Button Street, Swanley, on Sunday (March 24) was cancelled earlier this week as it became apparent to officials of the organising Sidcup and DMCC that the parking areas were not in a fit state to accept vehicles.
On top of that there was a forecast of high winds and snowfall in the local area this weekend.
*  *  *  *  *
Sunday's (March 24) National Cleveland Trial, organised by Middlesbrough and DMC was cancelled late on Friday afternoon following at course inspection by clerk of the course, Paul Wright
Paul Wright considered that course conditions were too difficult for the event to safely go ahead.
*  *  *  *  *
The heavy snowfalls in the North Yorkshire have caused the late cancellation of Ilkley Motor Club's famous Ilkley Grand National Trial, due to run this Saturday (March 23).
The cross-country motorcycle event has taken place for almost a century on the Middleton and Beamsley Moors in Yorkshire.
The eight mile all moorland course is under snow, up to two feet deep in places.
Clerk of the course, Adrian Tate, carried out an inspection at lunch-time on Friday and deemed the event had to be cancelled.
The initial entry list included some 50 competitors, travelling from Derbyshire, Lancashire and Westmorland. Many riders have been informed by text and telephone.
*  *  *  *  *
Weardale and DMC's Saturday Series Trial at Rogerley Quarry, Frosterley in Weardale, has been cancelled.
The event was originally scheduled for Saturday (March 23).
The cancellation has been caused by the weather.
*  *  *  *  *
Snowy weather has also caused the cancellation of round two of Spen Valley MCC's RAS-Sport Novice and Beginner Trials Series at Calderhead Farm, Cliver, on Saturday (March 23).
The event has been re-scheduled to run at the same venue on Sunday, March 31.
*  *  *  *  *
Twin-shock SC (Scotland) has called off the opening round of the Twin-shock Scrambles Championship this Sunday (March 24) at Penicuik.
Heavy snowfall is forecast in Scotland this weekend.
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Further cancellations came on Friday evening when the Huddersfield Falcons Trial at Horn Hill, New Mill, nr Holmfirth, scheduled for Sunday, was cancelled.
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The Richmond and Yeadon-Guiseley clubs were persisting on Friday afternoon but snow drifts sealed the fate of both trials.
The Richmond and DMC trial at Cogden Hall, Grinton, Reeth, joined the growing list at  8.30pm on Friday evening.
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Sunday's (Martch 24) Yeadon Guiseley & DMCC Trial at Addingham Mooside, nr Silsden, Keighley, West Yorkshire, was cancelled when snow started to drift in the area of the event.
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The final cancellation in West Yorkshire came on Saturday morning when Horsforth and DMC club officials pulled the plug on the club's novice trial on Sunday (March 24) at Deer Park, Bingley.

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