Weston celebrates 25 silvery years!
By TMX Archives on 25th May 07
2007 marks the silver anniversary of the Weston Beach Race, with promoters RHL Activities Ltd planning to make this year's event, scheduled to take place over the weekend of October 20/21, a celebration of The 25 years of Weston', by inviting back as many past winners, organisers and personalities from the events history as possible.
One of the main elements of the beach race has always been the numberof competitors riding to raise money for charity - and this year RHLwant to celebrate this by highlighting the riders and their charitieswith a specific mention in the souvenir programme and on the eventwebsite. So if you are riding for charity make sure you fill in therelevant section on the entry form.
RHL will also be doing its bit by holding a big charity dinner at theWinter Gardens on the Saturday night prior to the big race with allproceeds going to selected worthy causes.
The event website, www.wbruk.com, has been revamped to become a one stop shop for fans and riders alike.
There are discounts of over 30 per cent for fans who want to buy theirevent tickets in advance - with special weekend' tickets that are onlyavailable online. And if you are planning on camping you will be ableto book for the campsite online as well.
Riders have been catered for on the website too with a new online entrysystem. The regs and licence application can be downloaded, and entryforms can be completed and sent direct from the site including payment.
To broaden the reach and obtain as much history of the event aspossible there is also an area of the website where you can upload anyanecdotes or images from the beach race and share your experiences withthe world.
As part of a season long campaign RHL is in the process of taking onthe Tropicana shop concession on Weston sea front, where tourists andvisitors will be able to find out all about the beach race and providea local point of contact for enquiries.
Director of RHL Activities, Gareth Hockey is in high spirits, ''I'mreally looking forward to this year's beach race. It's a terrificachievement for an event to reach such a milestone and it is atestament to all the people who have put so much effort in over the 25years to make it happen, especially the guys who started it all off in1982. I know that we are doing our best to put together an event thatis worthy of this special anniversary and I hope that anyone who hasenjoyed being part of the Weston Beach race will join us on thebeach'!''