You missed a real treat
By TMX Archives on 5th Nov 09

JD went to Sheffield last weekend and enjoyed every minute but the place was half empty you don't know what you were missing...
THE Sheffield Arena stands unchallenged as the spiritual home of Indoor off-road sport in the UK. Already having pioneered international trials and supercross through the years, the venue broke new ground once again last week when it played host to the opening round of the 2010 Indoor Enduro World Cup.
For those present, Saturday evening provided racing as entertaining as you are likely to see anywhere. The only problem being, especially if you happen to be promoter Future West, was the best show in the country was playing to a half empty house, which given the work involved is nothing short of criminal.
Those who were there had a fantastic evening. No-one left their seats from beginning to end as the racing was amazing right through the card. Sure, Taddy Blazusiak ran away from his rivals in the International class showing awesome skill and speed. But the Experts and Clubmen proved even more entertaining if anything and all earned the full respect of the crowd and it was really good to see every single rider applauded home in every race.
There were scores of crashes and incidents in every race and I'm certain that there were some pretty bruised and battered bodies come Sunday, or worse still, Monday morning. But no-one quit, they just got right back on and into the fray.
Taddy was very enthusiastic about the evening saying: For sure this is the best Indoor track I have raced in Europe. It is on the exact same lines as in America, with fast sections and SX-style corners to show speed and make for real racing as well as show skill. They need to licence this track so it can be built again. It's fantastic.
For Dougie Lampkin and Graham Jarvis the SX style of the track proved a bit of an eye opener. Supremely skilled in the technical sections, our boys were taught a very quick lesson in race-craft and were block-passed for fun by SX ace Mike Brown, who surprised virtually everyone with his technical skills, and reigning Indoor champ Ivan Cervantes. Time and again Doug and Graham found themselves staring at a static rear wheel as their swooping line was suddenly chopped by Mike and Ivan.
Said Doug: I've obviously seen it done in supercross but I've never been on the end of it. Well I have now!
Cervantes even apologised' to the two Brits for taking them to the cleaners, but he could barely supress his laughter while he did so.
Graham actually proved surprisingly aggressive in his riding and was as quick as anyone bar Blazusiak while Doug was strangely below par, something he later attributed to a blinding migraine which struck after qualifying. At least he lasted longer than David Knight who succumbed to breathing difficulties after his opening race. And in turn Knighter managed more laps than Mika Ahola who only managed one practise before dropping out with flu-like symptoms.
But back to the main point. Without a shadow of a doubt, the lack of a big crowd meant that promoter Future West caught a big cold with this event. I'd love to think that he can do it again and that word will have spread and next time it will play in front of a packed house. Believe me, if you weren't there you really did miss a treat...
THIS weekend of course sees what for many is a highlight of the year, the annual Dirt Bike Show which goes ahead at Stoneleigh Park as usual. Many of you will have noticed that this year the DBS has competition, in that the MCIE (motorcycle industry) staged Carole Nash Motorcycle and Scooter Show, Britain's biggest two-wheel show which takes place at the NEC later in the year, has introduced an off-road zone. This certainly has the potential to expand off-road sport, which is why T+MX and sister publication DBR has agreed to attend. The NEC draws well over 100,000 bike fans and while many are obviously road-bike oriented, if we can interest even a small percentage it is good news for off-road.
But first we have the Dirt Bike Show at Stoneleigh. Different people go for different reasons. Yes, you can get to see most of the 2010 bikes all under one roof. You can also view the hottest 2010 kit. Then again you can buy old-stock' 2009 kit at bargain prices. Or invest in some bling... and you can't say you've been to the show unless you've bought a paddock stand and walked around with it for half a day...
You can even visit the T+MX and DBR stand to buy your paper and mag and of course your all-new glossy T+MX The Review magazine which will be hot off the press for the Show don't miss it!