Trials Torque: Normandale just two good to miss
By John Dickinson on 31st May 17

THERES a Normandale Masters National Championship northern double-header this weekend thanks to the Lancs County MCC, in the north west centre and Cumberland County MCC in the northern centre staging the fifth and sixth rounds of the nine-round series.
Lancs County get the weekend underway and the team were out in torrential rain on Bank Holiday Monday finalising the sections for Saturday's Angela Redford Trial.
Lancs County have held several rounds of this popular series for riders aged over 40, 50 or 60 on any machine and those of any age on Air-cooled monos in the past.
But never before have they been able to use two superb pieces of land, linked by a very minor road in Roeburndale.
There are ten sections at Barkingate Farm, a venue last used about five years ago – maybe more – and then nine at Middle Salter Farm with all 19 sections ridden twice.
The five-man team had a lot of work to do, filling in holes in the rocky streams that must have seen massive amounts of water.
But they are now are totally rideable, with two of the team (who will be observing – not riding) providing confirmation they are well fettled for the 60 plus entry.
In fact there are still entries available and the club is happy to offer this facility, so phone secretary Mike Rapley on 07788 61929 if you want a last-minute entry.
The trial starts at LA2 9LL, Barkingate Farm, near Wray, Lancashire at 10.30am on SATURDAY, June 3.
The Over 40 class is particularly popular with the likes of Southern stars Gavin Cooper, Chris Kock, Paul Doney and Kevin Nolan travelling north to take on the likes of Julian Ingham, Nick Shield and Richard Gaskell and some good natured banter is expected. And look out for Yrjo Vesterinen in the Over 60s on his Bantam.
Then, on Sunday June 4, it is Cumberland County's chance to impress with their long-running National Alan Trophy Trial.
Obviously it caters for exactly the same classes – plus an Open support class.
The event has been promised as Clubman friendly with the series-stipulated two laps of 20 sections which will be set over nine miles of open fell in some of the best land around.
The start will be at Newbiggin, near Penrith, Cumbria, and all details are on the ACU website.
Note that the start time is 9am and the entry will be similar to Saturday's Angela Redford trial.
Observers are wanted both with and without bikes, so if you can help please phone Alan Stewart on 01228-526858.
It really should be a great weekend for those contesting this National age-related series run on traditional trials courses.