Fun in the Mud
By TMX Archives on 25th May 12

Following on from the success of last years inaugural event, Sunday June 24, is the date for the Bon Accord Motorcycle Clubs Midsummer Mudness 2, Scotlands only off-road endurance event, a 12 hour Hare and Hounds.
The superb facilities at Tinto Moto Park, near Lesmahagow (only 60 miles from the English border) will once again be playing host. The course should be even longer this year at around 40 minutes per lap and features some brand new ground.
Learning from last year the course will be on the easy side of tough with no fearsome "stoppers”. Our thinking is to challenge you, not break you! The moto-x track is back by request for all you committed speed freaks. Like last year the event starts at 8am on Sunday morning and runs until 8pm.
The Bon Accord club have a reputation as innovators and the biggest innovation this year will be the Transponder Timing equipment that the club has invested in. Each rider will be supplied with their own transponder at sign on and the cost is included in the entry fee. The transponders are single use items and do not require to be handed back.
This year all the winners will be known within minutes of the end of the event rather than days!
Entries are being accepted now in the Solo Ironman classes or you can team up with your mates and enter as a team of two, three of four riders. Each rider can have their own bike or you can share, we don't mind. You can download your entry form at or
With loads of paddock room competitors are encouraged to come along on Saturday evening get scrutineered, set up the campervan or tent and enjoy themselves, although not too much as we start at 8am next morning remember! So this midsummer give the hippies, druids and Stonehenge a miss and rock on up to Tinto Moto Park. You know it makes sense.