Great Scott, it's here again!
By TMX Archives on 18th Oct 07
TOMORROW (Saturday) is one of the biggest days in British trials as it is the day that the famous Scott Trial takes place. Yes, that annual Time and Observation classic combining a high-speed all off-road dash over the Yorkshire moors taking in a mighty 76 observed sections over a similar number of miles - and all against the clock! Fastest man finished sets Standard Time and it's a mark a minute penalty for every minute behind ST.
Seven times World Trials Champ Dougie Lampkin wasthe star attraction last year, making a well-publicised Scott comeback,after a decade away, and after a truly epic battle with multi-Scottwinner Graham Jarvis, during which Doug set Standard Time in four hours56 minutes and 49 seconds, Graham was cruelly eliminated after missinga section close to the finish and Doug took a fantastic victory -probably one of the hardest-fought of his life.
''I remember now just how hard this trial is!''commented Doug as he eased himself off the factory Montesa after fivehours solid standing on the pegs.
And Doug and Graham will be hard at it again onSaturday in a virtual re-run of last year, in similar manner to theannual battles Doug's dad Martin used to have with arch-rival MalcolmRathmell in the 1970s. History repeating itself with Malc looking afterGraham and Mart naturally in Doug's camp.
These two won't have it all their own way thoughas there are more than a few riders looking to make their mark both onthe time and observation fronts and there is usually someone looking tosacrifice observation in the hope of setting Standard Time. Go for itboys!
Wayne Braybrook was runner-up last year, finishingjust six minutes down on Doug on time and just two more on observation- 35 marks to 33 - for overall scores of Lampkin 33, Braybrook 41 withTTT Beta-mounted James Dabill third with a total score of 50. Thisyear, Dibs is mounted on the TRW Montesa and will really be out to addthe Scott Premier to his 2007 Scottish Six Days victory.
For full story, see T+MX NEWS, Friday, October 19, 2007.