It’s all change for Wyre Forest

By TMX Archives on 29th Jun 12


Wyre Forest Off-Road (WFOR) has made some radical changes to its race structure.


Over the last seven years the club has concentrated on running youth XC/ Enduro events, allowing younger riders a safe introduction to the sport.
Catering for riders from the age of six through to 17 and also running a fully fledged British Championship for its competitors, the club's events have, until recently, been very popular.
However with the continuing recession the number of entries have fallen dramatically to the point that it is not viable to continue as before.
Organiser Rob Garbett said: "At present new riders just do not seem to be coming into the sport.”
So, to help, the club has decided to switch from two-day championship events and only run one-day championship events. 
Such events will be on Saturdays, with the Sunday now being used to run adult events for both bikes and quads. 
This will still make WFOR one of only a few clubs in the country to cater for youth and adult racers on both bikes and quads.
Many of the venues, which previously have only ever had youthraces, will hopefully attract adult riders keen to try out some new tracks.
WFOR would like to thank all its riders and parents for their support over the last seven years and hopes for their continued support. 
The changes will, hopefully, relieve some of the financial burden of two-day race meetings.
For those youth riders who still wish to race both days, there will be an Open Youth class on Sundays within the adult race format.
The next scheduled event will be July 7/8 at Cwmythig Hill, Rhayader, signposted off the B4518 Rhayader to St Harmon road.
For more information on the club and its race schedules visit – – or call Rob Garbett on 07740-151273.

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