New GBXC dates
By TMX Archives on 11th Mar 10

FOLLOWING a number of behind the scenes changes, has announced revised dates and venues for the 2010 GBXCseason.
The main reason for this revamp is down to logistics. The GBXC is now set again for a great and enjoyable five-round championship, which will now start on May 2 at the popular Midlands venue of Coney Green Farm, near Stourport on Severn. Other news is that the rider registrations are now available at a cost of 30. This fee includes registration, riding number and card and also an MCF licence.
Registered riders will then only have to pay an entry fee of 40 per event while non-registered riders will pay 50 per event still great value. There will be no additional parking or spectator charges for 2010 and importantly there will be no change to the
two-race format, with a two-hour morning race
followed by a 2.5-hour afternoon race.
The class structures will also remain unchanged.
All events will run over the course of just one day with parking and camping available on all weekend and there's a possibility of some entertainment on Saturday afternoons at selected events. Addition-
ally, riders will be interested to learn that the final series standings will be decided from a competitor's best four results from the five rounds. There will also be trophies at all events along with the usual event commentator.
Get ready for GBXC and see the likes of Tom Sagar (pictured), Aston Bird and possibly the big man' himself, David Knight, racing this prestigious championship and all the other riders in their respected classes.
The battles will begin on May 2.
Entries and all information please call 01543-370070, 07973-563191 or visit the websites or fasteddy
5 rounds (4 to count)
May 2 Stourport
June 13 venue in Devon
July 4 Glanusk or Tong Hall
August 8 Tyn Twill (Berwyn Leisure Park)
September 12 MX venue TBA (with international riders)
January 2011 Awards Presentation in Birmingham