OSET electric trials bikes

By TMX Archives on 22nd Aug 07


THE dinky little OSET electric trials bikes on display at Hawkstone Park really had people talking - and all comments appeared to be very positive.The OSET is the brainchild of Ian Smith - a Brit by birth but resident in America for 15 years - who designed and bult the prototypes and who is now having the bikes built in China, which he will then market.

Ian told us at Hawkstone that the bikes were NOTdesigned as toys but as bona fide trials machines and that theirweight, weight distribution and steering geometry follow closely thatof a conventional trials machine. More impressively, the weight ratioof the OSET and its tiny rider more closely matches that of an adult ona powered trials bike.

The leccy bikes were ably demonstrated by Ian'sown children, Oliver (6) and Eleanor (just 4) and Oliver showed howlovely, sharp, perfectly balanced full-lock turns could be carved andalso that the battery-powered motor churned out more than adequatepower allowing wheelies - and stoppies!.

These are seriously good bikes. There is noautomatic clutch as electric power is instant yet fluid and childrenlearn skills that will hold good when they move on to petrol power.

The two sizes that will be available are 12.5 inchwheels (3 - 5 year-olds) and 16 inch (5 - 10) Battery life is variablebetween one and two hours but can be as much as four hours. A simpledial allows parents full control over the power/ speed available.

The OSET team want kids to learn to ride safelyand silently. And the silent part is a huge benefit. They can be riddenin a small yard or garden and won't annoy anyone, not even if they aresitting in a garden alongside.

The first 120 OSETs are due in early September andare priced at a very realistic 599 and 699 respectively. You cancheck-out OSET on www.osetuk.com or phone 07913-576425.

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