Out and about at the Jack Wood...

By TMX Archives on 2nd Apr 08


MARIA Conway and Katy Sunter made the Jack Wood Trial with time to spare after their overnighter by road from Ettelbruck, Luxembourg where they had been in action in Saturday's World Ladies Championship trial.

Maria and Will Longden got back to Sheffield at 5am while Katy and brother Mark made it back to Mark's home at Hinckley at 2am. Maria's single comment was, "I am tired!” or words to that effect!

HILLSBOROUGH MC official Ben Powell pulled off an eleventh hour master plan for the Jack Wood to commemorate the 50 years of the River Kwai. After some initial problems he located the Hillsborough club logo on Thursday and by Saturday afternoon he had new club bobble hats with the logo on the front and the River Kwai references on the back of the headwear.
All observers were presented with a hat. Maria Conway, alias Naomi, kindly modelled the new hat at the TCC sections, in between checking out the narrow winding stream at the second group in the Jack Wood.
lDAN Farrer was a retirement on Sunday. He ran out of petrol after the Ughill group but begged enough go-juice to get back to the start where he located a retired competitor who kindly filled the JST Gas Gas to the brim.
With his wrist and arm tendonotis playing-up after the Cleveland Trial, Dan headed for Hoyle's Gully, and his parents Judy and Brian who were observing the remote group.
Said Dan, "I had lost a lot of time locating fuel and the arms were giving me some problems so I opted to retire. It was a pity especially with the sunny bright day.”

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