TMX Says: I couldn’t get a lucky break
By TMX Archives on 14th Dec 16

WHILE everyone else seems a little fixated on the countdown to Christmas Im already looking a little further ahead to the New Year.
I don't want to come across as a Negative Nancy or owt but, aside from a couple of absolutely amazing moments, neither 2016 or its predecessor have been the kindest of years.
I know that the passing of midnight on December 31 isn't actually gonna change a thing in real terms but I'm hoping that the perceived fresh start will get things going in a more positive manner. Fingers crossed and all that...
Some say you make your own luck and that's true to a certain degree but there are some things you just can't control – a 1997 Honda CR250 being one of them.
Anyone who was unlucky enough to own one of the aforementioned massively rigid, aluminium-framed, two-stroke beasts will recall that we all had to wait ages for the first shipment to arrive and then even longer for the second.
Coincidentally, that's exactly how things are 20 years on as Honda's flagship model – the 2017 CRF450R – is only just arriving in small numbers right now until the main shipment hits the UK in late January.
Fortunately, next year's fo-fiddie isn't a complete turd like the '97 250 smoker proved to be.
I was lucky enough back then that my machine – paid for with a chopped in '96 model and a tin of 50 pence pieces and shiny pound coins – arrived at Jim Sandiford Motorcycles as part of the secondary batch.
I say lucky because by then everyone who owned a bike from the first batch had already figured out that the rad scoops, side panels and seat base ate into the ally frame which gave me a chance to protect my own before running it in.
My protective measures worked to a degree but I found an even better way to stop the new bike picking up any wear and tear was to snap a collarbone during my maiden ride out on it.
After sitting out for 12 weeks while those bones knitted back together I then managed about another five weekends before the beastly thing pinged sideways off a jump and destroyed my knee when I put my leg out to save myself from what would have been a gnarly high-speed get-off.
An ad soon appeared in the TMX Classifieds – ‘1997 Honda CR250, Steve Clitheroe-tuned motor, Pro Racing revalved suspension, excellent condition, injury forces sale. £3,500. Call 01625 574***'.
Knowing what an ace bike it was my best buddy at the time – Paul Baker – soon snapped it up but apparently the thing must've been cursed.
I say that because Paul picked up some nasty nerve damage in a start straight pile-up in the old New Year's Day race at Hawkstone Park.
He then also suffered what should have been a career-ender on the same bike at the Hatherton Hall season-opener come spring. Hmmm, that one bike sure did cause a lot of pain...
So, having reminded myself of those facts maybe I'm a little premature to look ahead to January 1 for a change of fortune and should simply jump back on the Christmas bandwagon instead – yay, go Santa! With that in mind I'll catch you all next week for some festive fun in our Christmas double...