TMX Says: Seeking Mr or Mrs Right
By TMX Archives on 29th Mar 17

RIGHT, listen up everyone and listen good because I really need your help right now.
Before we get to the bit where I start begging like a dog, I'm gonna fill you in on a little secret but I need you to slip on your helmet so that you don't make a mess when I blow your mind.
Okay? Here we go *takes deep breath*...
TMX Towers ain't actually all that big – there, I said it. In fact, considering the amount of printed publications we produce from this office it – and the team within – is frickin' tiny.
So small in fact that from my desk I can see everyone who works here bar two – one of those is strategically working at home and the other is Donna who hides around the corner.
According to the TMX imprint Donna is our advertising manager which as a job title is just like the lady herself – short and to the point.
As well as in the imprint you may have seen her name on a recruitment advert that has slipped into TMX for the past two weeks following the departure of one of our colleagues.
It's on page 23 of this one if you wanna take a nosey. Anyhoo, because the office is so damn small and we can hear absolutely everything everyone says and hear everything everyone does it's imperative that this role is filled by someone who slips into the existing team like a key into a well-oiled lock – or at the very least someone who isn't just totally annoying.
Trust me we've had some whoppers work here in the past and we don't wanna go down that route again...
The ad states it would be handy if this person has a passion for success, the ability to communicate at all levels and the confidence to present solutions and new ideas in both an engaging and confident manner, as well as being self-driven with a positive outlook.
Surely that's not too much to ask?
So if you know someone who wants to work in Morecambe with the awesomest team around and shortest ad manager (in height but not patience) on this planet then show them the ad and get them to get in touch.
We're also on the look out for someone to help with TMX's online offering, although this is more of a contributing/part-time role with pay rather than a full-on job.
The ideal candidate for this position will be someone who's connected to all aspects of the off-road scene and is able to create, edit and upload content to our website and news App over the weekend as it happens.
And the best bit is that because they now have the internet pretty much everywhere – even on computers and stuff – you can do this job from the comfort of your own home so there's no need to ever visit Morecambe. How much of a bonus is that?
If you feel like this is something you need to do to make your life complete then send me a copy of your CV and a few examples of written work to and we'll take it from there.
Finally, what were everyone's thoughts on the Finnish Enduro GP? Yay or nay?
Thumbs up or thumbs down? Write in and let me know...