TMX Says: There’s still a lot to report
By Team TMX on 22nd Mar 17

It might not be considered cool with the kids these days but I still absolutely adore getting stuff sent to me through the post especially if its something that Im not exactly expecting.
Last week I mentioned that Dick Law had filed his 1000th report to TMX – even though it feels like we've processed way, way more *winkety wink* – and this inspired TMX reader Nigel Batchelor who managed to dig out a biro and fill three sheets from his A5 spiral notepad.
Nigel rightly pointed out that long-term trials reporters Barry Robinson and Mick Perry have probably already surpassed that milestone and I reckon he's right.
The only way we know we've had 1000 reports from Dick is because he kept track of them and let us know when the time came.
With both Barry and Mick sending in multiple reports most weeks I reckon their number could be three or four times that – especially if you count the stuff they submitted to MCN when TMX was still just a wee twinkle in Bob Clough's eye.
I'd love to figure it out although I suspect it'll remain a mystery...
Another subject in Nigel's note is whatever happened to the letters page in TMX?
The quick answer is that everyone stopped writing in. But why?
I guess that the rise of social media has given everyone an instant voice online and where in the days of yore people would share their opinion through the pages of their favourite periodical they now just blast their thoughts out into the ether.
I'm all for sharing reader opinion in TMX's pages and if you wanna start emailing or writing in then I promise to resurrect a letter's section.
The addresses to send them to – both digitally or by snail mail – are in the panel on the opposing page so let's do this...
And finally, I'd like to share something I originally posted online last Wednesday morning but which needs to be said again...
Mark Hucklebridge was one of those racers that was full of fight.
Out on the track he didn't know what it was to give up and every time he rolled his bike behind a start gate he would keep on battling to the chequered flag no matter what the race, conditions, competition or crowd threw at him.
I will never forget the moment I learned that Huck had been diagnosed with cancer and how he'd been told that he only had a short time left – it just didn't seem possible.
Although I never heard him say it out loud I presume he was all like ‘screw that' inside and went all out to stick two fingers up at the medical professionals who'd written him off as he continued to live a very full and rich life – achieving things that some people will only ever dream of and raising a heap of cash for his chosen charities.
Huck leaves behind a very close family and a lot of friends who'd do absolutely anything for him and will continue to do so.
He always struck me as someone who shied away from attention and would probably be cringing inside that so many people are saying such nice things about him.
RIP Monster and thanks for all the positive memories...