TMX Says: Too much of a good thing
By TMX Archives on 17th Aug 16

Id like to say it was cunningly planned out that way but the truth is that it was actually a total coincidence that BBC Three ran a documentary about London wheelie gangs just after I wrote about similar stuff in the TMX Says column last week
Running under the sensationalist title of ‘Britain's Most Wanted Motorbike Gangs?'
it actually turned out to be a fairly balanced documentary highlighting the issues these riders face (many of which are actually very familiar) and some of the issues they create (many of which were totally alien).
I wouldn't ever condone illegal riding – especially illegal riding without helmets being worn which is something I hate more than Shaun Simpson hates being called ‘Sean', ‘Shawn' or ‘Siobhan' #petpeeve – but feel that after watching it I have a better understanding of what some of these guys are about.
Check it out on the BBC iPlayer if you get the chance... Bizarrely, it transpires that a totally legit off-road champion – albeit a hoodie wearing one – is getting in on the wheelie scene too.
Red Bull announced yesterday that 12-time world trial champion Dougie Lampkin MBE is gonna try and achieve what Doug Domokos and Dave Taylor both failed to do and that's wheelie around the entire length of the TT circuit.
You can read all about it over there <<<<<< so I'm not gonna harp on about it right here but if you've ever wondered if a 40-year- old Yorkshireman can keep it up continuously for almost two hours then tune in live on September 24. I know I will be...
As cool a project as that is I can't help but feel a little miffed that the might of Red Bull are putting so many eggs into this one basket.
I mean, if they wanted a badass one-day trials project starring Dougie then how about they deliver Erzberg-esque coverage of The Scott or go all-out with the City Trial concept and create a multi-section trial at various landmarks in one or more of the world's greatest cities?
That'd be way more awesome...
I'm actually full of these grand – and probably totally impractical – ideas so if any energy drink manufacturer wants to offer up a huge budget and have the most amazing of off-road events signed, sealed and delivered to the masses then please send your blank cheques to the usual address.
I've got trials, enduro and motocross all covered so don't worry about that.
Delivering what fans want seems to be tricky business these days and in terms of spectator attendance it seems that one-off specials are where it's at from the Hawkstone International to The Tough One, Sheffield Trial, VMXdN, Weston Beach Race, Bainbridge Hill Climb and this weekend's North Berkshire MCC Supertrial – all these events seem to capture the attention of the paying public way more than any traditional championship is managing to at the moment.
Come to think of it rider entries are maxed out at most of those mentioned too while some championships are struggling to fill spaces towards the end of a tough season.
Is that because everyone run out of cash?
Or are we all just spoiled for choice? Is less actually more? Could Brexit be to blame? Or Donald Trump?
Write in and let me know your thoughts at
Until next week keep it rubber-side down...