What do we do it all for?
By TMX Archives on 19th Apr 13

INTERESTING to learn that the Mexican MXGP, scheduled for May 26, has been cancelled.
I idly wondered why, or indeed how Mexico was included in the schedule in the first place, so I asked a few people "in the know” .
All offered a very similar answer that appeared to have something to do with officials, sunshine and holidays.
They also asked not to be quoted on this.
Not being a cynic by nature I naturally dismissed this idea out of hand, despite similar mutterings in the past.
However, the Mexicans (and those from Europe looking to book their alleged sun loungers) mustn't shed too many tears at the cancellation, as apparently there are already discussions with another promoter underway and it will be back on track in 2014.
I have been told many times by those in power, whenever I query something that does not quite ring true with me, that, "you don't understand these things!”
And I am the first to agree. There is indeed much that I don't understand. On the other hand I do try very hard indeed to get a hold of the basics. And I try equally hard not to have the wool pulled over my eyes.
Whatever discussion is taking place I like to take things back to basics. My first question is always, "Why are we actually doing this?” It is often a very good question indeed yet you'd be amazed few people ever ask themselves this question
So, why, for the sake of argument, does MXGP exist? For whom is it to benefit?
Is it for the benefit of the riders? The factories? The teams? The sponsors? The series promoters? The event promoters? Is it for the spectators? Is it for the benefit of TV or is it, as some would have us believe, for the good of the sport?
A lot of questions I agree. There are many more I could add, including a very important one which most prefer to skip, ie: who actually pays for it all?
And even, who do you THINK should pay for it all?”
Now, here's the disappointing bit – I don't have the answers. OK, I do have answers but they are just my personal viewpoint.
Have you ever thought; Why is there a MXGP in Qatar? How many MX bikes are sold in Qatar? How many spectators were ther? How much did it all cost? Who gained from a Qatar GP?
Being of a generous nature I throw all the above open to you. Next time you stop for a brew and a chocolate digestive you might like to think about it and formulate your own answers.
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