European Enduro Championship - Day 1, Germany
By TMX Archives on 6th Aug 17
The first day of the third round of European Enduro Championship took place at Burg (Germany), close to Magdeburg.
The 74 km long circuit was ridden three times in a row and included three tests at every lap. In the the Juniors Italian Mateo Pavoni won the overall in front of French Davi Abgrall and Max Viall on Husqvarna.
Swede Andreas Linusson won the Senior-E1-Class for the fifth time in a row, this time in front of the former junior champion Jeremy Carpentier. Dutchman Daan Bruijsten finished in third.
In the senior class E2, English Jamie Lewis won against local riders Davide von Zitzewitz and reigning European champion Marco Neubert.
The best senior was Maurizio Micheluz who won also his class, the senior E3, ahead of the local champion Dennis Schroter and Italian Oscar Balletti, who had been. Third position for Rannar Usna.
With 33 starting riders, the U20 class is one of the most successful with riders all under 20 on 125cc motorcycles. The winner was Joakim Grelsson in front of Calle Johansson and Neels Theric.
In the Veteran Over 40s, the leader of the championship Arne Domeyer, who injured his wrist after a crash, opened the way for the Finn riders Juha Puotsaari and Tero Koskinen, in front of the reigning champion Sebastian Krywult.
In the Women class, Jessica Gardiner had only one minute penalty and won in front of Marita Nyqvist from and Hanna Berzelius