Adam Raga clinched runner-up
By TMX Archives on 19th Mar 07

Adam Raga sealed runner-up at Indoor Trial World Championship 2007 by winning last round held this late evening in Madrid.
Gas Gas rider took an amazing victory that let him to overcome Albert Cabestanyin general standings and to assure the second place overall. Raga beat newchampion Toni Bou and Briton Dougie Lampkin in final lap to achieve his secondwin of the season.
Bou put Raga under pressure during the whole trial but finally RepsolMontesa-HRC finished in second place the day he received the indoor crown.Meanwhile, his teammate obtained the second podium place in 2007 althoughLampkin was out out from victory's battle in firststages.
On qualification lap Raga did the maximum from the first second andattempted the circuit with an excellent riding, clinching the business classticket for the final, ahead of Toni Bou, who did also a fantastic start as headded one five in last part of the lap. Dougie Lampkin cleaned the firstsections and on the second half of hazards he could defend third place for thefinal.
Albert Cabestany arrived at Madrid playing an important rol in finalrunner-up battle. With two wins under his belt in last two rounds, Sherco riderfailed at the hardest hazards and run out the final. Being out from the secondlap, Cabestany offered an easy way to Raga to sign second positionoverall.
Injured Jeroni Fajardo was replaced by Scorpa rider Marc Freixa, whoreturned to Indoor Series two years later. Freixa completed a nice start infirst sections but his big mistake on high jump made him to lose all hisadvantage versus Fujinami and finally lost fifthplace
Repsol Montesa-HRC rider Fujigas found some problems at the beginning ofhis performance. After some mistakes on first two sections, Japanese starsuffered a mechanical problem at rear tyre. Fujigas wasted golden seconds andwas forced to jump section 5 and to accelerate his pace in next hazards. TadeuszBlazusiak did a poor ride and finished in lastposition.
Current MotoGP World Champion Nicky Hayden and his teammate Dani Pedrosa,besides other important Spanish motorsports riders as Nani Roma or Marc Comabecame some of the guests in Madrid. Indoor Trial World Championship arrived toits end with Toni Bou being the new king and Adam Raga and Albert Cabestanyjoining Repsol Montesa-HRC on final podium.
Adam Raga: `I'm delighted with this win that let me to achieve the secondfinal place. After this win I've proved I'm in a good shape. It's a big resultfor me and boosts me a lot of confidence to attempt Outdoor World Championship.I did my best and at the end I could obtain the best result in final round,after some mistakes throughout the season.
Toni Bou: `I'd prefer to close he championship with a victory, but it'sclear that you can't always win. Anyway is a great result and I'm very satisfiedwith my performance overall. Clinching the title against great rivals as Ragashowed this night gives extra worth to the title
Dougie Lampkin: `I was looking forward to step again on the podium. Thelast time was in Marseille. I felt anxious for the final of the championshipafter poor results during indoor season. From now I'll try to write another pageand to focus on coming goals.
Trial Indoor Repsol Madrid - Round 8/8
Qualification Lap
1. Adam Raga 4 penaltypoints
2. Toni Bou 6
3. Dougie Lampkin13
4. Albert Cabestany16
5. Takahisa Fujinami24
6. Marc Freixa26
7. Tadeusz Blazusiak39
1. Adam Raga 3 penaltypoints
2. Toni Bou 9
3. Dougie Lampkin26
FIM Indoor Trial World Championship 2007
Final Standings
1. Toni Bou 67points
2. Adam Raga 57
3. Albert Cabestany54
4. Takahisa Fujinami41
5. Dougie Lampkin36
6. Jeroni Fajardo30
7. Tadeusz Blazusiak10
9. Marc Freixa3