Andy deals a Classic hand
By TMX Archives on 29th Jun 07

MORE heavy showers over the Cotswolds last Saturday night and the promise of more to come on Sunday made for a very dismal start to the 26th Bonanza Scramble.
The muddy conditions resulted in one or two trackalterations during practice, but the constant showers forecast nevermaterialised and, by the time racing started, conditions were well-nighperfect for the entry of 130 Solos and 20 Sidecars. Conditions whichobviously suited the two stars of the meeting - Andy Roberton and CarlPope, riding top-of-the-range Cheney BSAs, and a young newcomer, MattGardiner, who made a big impression aboard Nick Stanton's TriumphMetisse.
This year, the Bonanza included the third round ofthe 2007 British Classic Scrambles championship, sponsored by ''TheClassic MotorCycle'', and the second round of the Rickman MotorcyclesPre-65 British Bike championship. So lots at stake for the leadingcontenders to strut their stuff in front of a large and typicallyenthusiastic Bonanza crowd. But the crowd had to wait until near theend of the programme for, arguably, the best race of the day. Those wholeft early missed a gem'.
Andy Roberton is already setting the pace in thisyear's championship and in the first championship race last Sunday hecontinued where he had left off the week before - battling with CarlPope. This time, however, it was Carl leading with Andy second, asituation which lasted for four laps of the first race before Andyswept by to grab the lead and hold it for the remainder of the 12 laprace. Carl tracked him all the way but could never quite get on termsto threaten the apparent invincibility of the Knighton rider. At leastnot until the second championship race.
Towards the end of the day's racing and with thetrack heavy and very rutted in places, Andy opted to use his 350 bikefor the second race - an intriguing choice given the outcome.
At the end of lap one it was number three, AndyRoberton, who led the pack with Matt Gardiner and Carl Pope in closeorder right behind the leader. The pace and sound was awesome - therace was really on.
Provisional Results
Race One: 1 Andy Roberton (500 Cheney BSA), 2 CarlPope (500 Cheney BSA), 3 James Newstead (750 Triumph Metisse), 4 DaveBell (500 ABS Jawa Metisse), 5 Shaun Lovegrove (500 Cheney BSA), 7 DaveCooper (650 Triumph Metisse), 8 Paul Evans (500 Cheney Jawa).
Race Two: 1 Carl Pope, 2 Andy Roberton (350 CheneyBSA), 3 James Newstead, 4 Adrian Cox (500 Cheney BSA), 5 ShaunLovegrove, 6 Phil Edwards (650 Triumph Metisse), 7 Dave Bell, 8 PaulEvans.
350cc: 1 Chris Smart (350 BSA), 2 Colin Hickie (250 Tiger Cub), 3 Phil Gittins (250 Gaunt Rudge).
500cc: 1 Rob Griffith (500 MRD Harris), 2 Peter Yates (500 Matchless Metisse), 3 Dave Godley (500 Matchless).
Pre-67 250 Two-stroke & Pre-73 Four-stroke: 1Andy Roberton (350 BSA), 2 Lee Bird (320 BSA), 3 Andy White (350 BSA),4 Andrew Owen (250 Husqvarna).
Pre-66 501 - 750cc Four-stroke (inc Cheney etc): 1James Newstead (750 Triumph Metisse), 2 Tom Willoughby (500 CheneyBSA), 3 Carl Pope(500 Cheney BSA).
Pre-60: 1 Dave Bell (650 ABS Tribsa), 2 Peter Hollinshead (650 BSA), 3 Steve Gagg (650 Tribsa).
Pre-66 400-500cc Four-stroke: 1 Colin Edwards (500 BSA Victor), 2 Ben Holyoake (441 BSA Victor), 3 Scott Baker (441 BSA Victor).
Riders 60 Plus: 1 Terry Challinor (650 Triumph Metisse), 2 Phil Edwards (650 Triumph Metisse), 3 Andy White (350 BSA).
Metisse Only: 1 Matt Gardiner (650 Triumph Metisse), 2 Dave Bell (500 Jawa Metisse), 3 Dave Cooper (650 Triumph Metisse).
Pre-85 Sidecars: 1 Paul Harker/Derrick Bodfish(880 Yamaha Wasp), 2 Phil Boote/Mick Stones (820 Weslake Wasp), 3Gary/Steve Wolff (560 Rotax Wasp).
Rickman Motorcycles British Bike Championship Trial
(Western Classic MCC)
Provisional Results
Tele-Rigid over 341cc: Bernard Rodemark (410Matchless) 14 marks lost, Allan Shorter (350 AJS) 16, Godfrey Hannam(500 Ariel) 22.
Pre-Unit Springer over 341cc: Martyn Wilmore (500Ariel) 3, Graham du Feu (500 Ariel) 3, Len Hutty (410 Matchless) 7,Neil Gaunt (500 Ariel) 14.
Pre-70 Two-Strokes: Alan Nicklin (250 Greeves) 10, Tim Streatfield (250 Greeves) 19, Mick Parkes (250 Greeves) 19.
Pre-70 Unit Construction: Simon Chell (350 Triumph) 10, Anthony Macklen (350 BSA) 18, John Kendall (350 Triumph) 19.
Pre-70 British Specials: Steve Hand 15, Roger Hand 30, Glyn Moses 32 (all Triumph Tiger Cub).
Pre-65 Pre-Unit Sidecars: John/Paul Young (500Ariel) 64, Tony/Marcia Beeching (650 Triumph) 69, Dave/Steve Burdge(500 Ariel) 71.
Pre-70 Unit Sidecars: Ian Hannam/Debbie Smith (441BSA) 29, Peter Pesterfield/Keith Laker (650 Triumph) 34. (only twofinishers).
Gentlemans Class (Pre-70 British Bike, EasyRoute): Barrie Rodgers (250 Royal Enfield) 10, Andrew Hunter (350 BSA)19, Norman Blakemore (250 Greeves) 23.
Rickman Motorcycles British Bike Championship Trial
(Western Classic MCC)
Provisional Results
Pre-70 Unit Construction up to 250cc: MarkThornhill (200 Triumph Tiger Cub) 4, James Newstead (175 BSA Bantam) 6,Kevin Taylor (250 BSA) 9, Dave Jones (250 BSA) 9.
Pre-70 Two-Strokes: Richard Brimelow (250 James) 5, Steve Walker (250 Wassell) 11, Nathan Jones (175 BSA Bantam) 13.
Pre-70 Unit Construction over 250cc: Steve Holt (350 BSA) 1, Gary Hawkins (350 BSA) 5, Barry Stephens (350 BSA) 6.
Pre-65 Pre-Unit Construction over 250cc: Dave Cooper (500 Ariel) 7, Brian Dale (? Triumph) 10, Dave Bower (500 Ariel) 27.
Pre-65 Tele-Rigid: Joe Owen (350 Matchless) 18, Ken O'Brien (? BSA) 30, Martin Bracey (197 DMW) 65.
For full story and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, June 29, 2007.