Austys king of the Castle - again

By John Watson on 23rd Mar 12


Back in 1999 Ian Austermuhle, then a fresh faced youngster residing in Rosedale, won the Middlesbrough clubs Cleveland National trial for the first time.


Last Sunday – following a 13-year barren spell and many near misses – the popular Beta rider finally nailed his second victory. 
But it did not come easy. as Dan Thorpe and Richard Sadler kept the pressure on and a thrilling climax was once again played out at the final group, Stormy Hall.
Clerk of the Course Paul Wright and helpers put a tremendous amount of work into the 36 section route for the 150 entrants and such was the weather, observers needed a rub down with sun cream. 
The first group on Commondale Moor caused problems with James Carr, Phil Kettlewell and Guy Kendrew fiving the third section, Dan Thorpe and Michael Phillipson taking the only cleans. 
Section seven, above Danby village, saw Austy and Sadler star and at Clitherbecks Austy led on one from Thorpe and Phillipson on three and Sadler on four. 
There was just the odd mark lost in Burke's Wood before the sting of Crossley Side rocks and then the punch-card change. 
If riders thought the first half easy, they left here thankful for the lunch break. 
Austy's clean on the seemingly impossible climb observed by Keith Ellis was pure magic but on the final climb before the punch-card change, the back wheel of the Beta spun out for a five and he handed his card in on 13. 
Sadler excelled here, equalling Austy's total, with Thorpe and Phillipson following him on 19. Andy Chilton was in the hunt, but a lost card spoiled his day.
Experts: Ian Austermuhle (Beta) 20. 
First Class: Dan Thorpe (Gas Gas) 32.  
Second Class: Richard Sadler (MRS Sherco) 33.
Best Intermediate: David Pye (Gas Gas) 43. 
First Class: Matt Maynard (Gas Gas) 50, Mark Harrison (Gas Gas) 53. 
Second Class: Ian Hopley (Gas Gas) 56.
Clubman: Paul Dennis (Gas Gas) 21.
First Class: Steve Williams (Gas Gas) 23, Mark Cameron (Sherco) 23, Stuart Blythe (Beta) 24, Glen Scholey (Yamaha) 26, Phil Perry (Gas Gas) 27.
Second Class: Trevor Willans (Beta) 27, Colin Bailey (Beta) 28, Neil Gaunt (Beta) 32, Mark Buckworth (Beta) 33, Darren Mitchell (Beta) 37. 

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