Auto riders - The challenge is on
By Team TMX on 25th Jan 17

All UK Auto MX parents and racers listen up.....
The DEP Auto challenge is coming to you for 2017!
DEP Pipes have teamed up with the East Anglia Schoolboy Scramble Club to support their already strong Auto championship and they're confident between them both they're going to improve the series even more, without losing what has already made it a great championship over the past few years.
Not only are DEP and East Anglia SSC going to do all they can to promote the series to the wider UK MX audience, DEP Pipes will also be offering £1600 of £50 product discount vouchers, which will mean virtually every rider lining up will be able to get a DEP voucher!
That's not all though, the overall winner of the DEP Auto Challenge presented by East Anglia SSC will receive full support for exhaust systems from DEP Pipes for 2018, whether they remain on an Auto or move up to a 65.
The series starts on March 5 at Mildenhall, then moves to Sherwood (April 2), Chippenham (May 7), Milton Malsor (June 11) and finally Chatteris (July 9). That's a total of 15 actuall races of which 11 will count towards the overall championship.
So Mum's and Dad's what you waiting for? If you haven't entered your little trooper into the DEP Auto Challenge yet, you can do it right now by going to and enter the premier Auto MX series in the UK.