Back on it!
By TMX Archives on 10th Aug 05

The regular reminder phone call from the dbr office came through yesterday to get my column sent over speedily as the printers don't wait for nobody it seems.And I'm in a bit of an all too familiar rush myself just now as I'm back on The regular reminder phone call from the dbr office came through yesterday to get my column sent over speedily as the printers don't wait for nobody it seems.And I'm in a bit of an all too familiar rush myself just now as I'm back on the bike and devoting all of my time putting laps in at the track. It's been great to finally throw a leg over my cobwebbed Yamaha four-fiddy and twist that throttle!Everything makes a little more sense again - y'know, like why I train, have operations, suffer through surgery, write columns in magazines, sign autographs etc etc. I've learned that I really do love riding motocross - the sensation of controlling the bike and pushing the limit closer to danger is so much of a buzz. You forget what it's like when you're out injured or retired or whatever and I can see why so many older guys often come back to race after they've been out of the sport for a while. I think I'll ride until I'm nearly dead!In fact, I'm going out to the track now once I've put my words together for Sean and Co - so I better hurry up and fill you in on my month's activities and then go moto!In the middle of July I had an x-ray taken and it showed that good bone healing was happening. Dr Eames, my surgeon, was very positive and gave me a green light to proceed with a programme aimed at returning to MX. I started off with regular physio sessions to force the wrist joint to bend more than it currently is - that hurts like crazy! Due to being in a cast for so long it tends to seize up.Now I don't have so much fear of the bone not healing correctly I'm happy to give it pain and not be worried. Ever since I got the good news general handlebar time has been my main pastime - whether it be on a mountain bike, trials bike, quad bike, motocross bike, road bike, in fact, any old bike. As long as I have to grip on I feel I'm contributing to getting stronger.I even decided to take my dad's 1979 440 Maico air-cooled twin-shock bone-shaker out to a local race. The club ran it as a fun event so twin-shocks were allowed in the Vet class. I didn't win but really that wasn't my goal and it was certainly an experience I'll remember for a brave while yet!Red Bull invited me and some buddies along to watch a live link in an IMAX cinema of the Red Bull X-Fighters freestyle show from Madrid. I've watched it on Eurosport in previous years and think it's a brilliant show. Back-flips galore as you can imagine and the Spanish crowd were going crazy. They sure know how to party - a bit like the Irish but at a slightly lower standard!CTi sent me a wrist brace which I wear when I'm riding the MX bike and to look at it you kind of think 'no way can I ride with that' but when it's on you don't even notice it - it's absolutely awesome and I'm really impressed with it (even though I still look a bit like Robocop with it on).I was asked to look at the changes that have been made to the Desertmartin track for the GP there on September 17 and I found a huge, typically cheesy, Crockard grin come across my face as I walked around the circuit. The excitement grew in me as I imagined the race taking place there and realised a dream is becoming a reality.Anybody who would like to go from the mainland should considering crossing over, watching the GP, touring down through Belfast and Dublin, taking the ferry across from the south of Ireland to France and finishing off by watching Ricky Carmichael smoke the entire world at the MXdN at Ernee. Now that would be a road trip!Words by Gordon Crockard Photo by