By TMX Archives on 10th Aug 05

Well guys since last month it's been pretty boring for me. I've been having treatment on my hand for three days a week to get it back to 100 per cent. Well guys since last month it's been pretty boring for me. I've been having treatment on my hand for three days a week to get it back to 100 per cent. I'm pleased to say that it's going really well and I'm going to be riding at the next GP in the Czech Republic.I'm glad I took the time off to let it heal and now I can come back fully fit and try to win some races before the season finishes. I must say though that I haven't enjoyed staying home every weekend or looking at the results with my name not being in them. But I'm fine now and it's a really good feeling to be back on the bike again.The time off gave me the chance to do some stuff that needs doing around the house. It started off with some weeding in the garden. I'm no gardener so I ended up ripping half the plants up but it still looks okay. My rabbit - who's called Haggis - eats the plants and digs up the garden anyway so it's a waste of time looking after it really.Then I moved into the garage to put some loft boards down so I can put away all my motocross junk that I've saved over the years - stuff like old riding kit and broken helmets that you want to keep so you can tell your grandchildren all about your racing one day.I found some old SOS kit - that ****ty stuff. I tried to sell it but no-one would buy it - can't blame them really. All the stuff like that I keep usually has a funny - or some kind of - story attached to it.I went back to Marshfield - the place I lived before I moved to my new house - to visit some friends. I popped into MotoXtreme to see those guys in there too. I hadn't seen them in such a long time so it was good to catch up with all the gossip.There's more bull***t talked in there than anywhere else in the world and they're good at taking the ***s! But it's all in a good spirit and they're a good bunch of lads.I haven't changed dentist yet so while I was back in Mushfield I went to have a check up as well. He's such a good dentist - I think I'm just going to go back every time I need something doing. Hope I'm not boring you yet but this is the stuff I have to do when I'm not racing.When my hand got a little better I could go mountain biking and do a lot more stuff. I hooked up with a few mates to play some golf. I hadn't played for a while but to my surprise I played better than I normally do.After having these few weeks off I realise how much motocross takes up my life - it's so bloody boring without it. I find myself looking for things to do and I generally just get on my missus' nerves. But being back on the bike is great and I can't wait to try and win some more races.Until next time take it easy and good luck with your racing. Oh and I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the Grand Prix of England on the Isle of Wight.Words by Stephen Sword Photo by