BBC Need YOU! for The Last Man Standing
By TMX Archives on 7th Sep 07

The producers are not looking for one type of person, but people who bring different skills and backgrounds. They want young men -- 18 to 35 -- who are very able in one or more sports.
'Last Man Standing' is a new BBC Series in which agroup of six western athletes pit their skills against each other andvarious tribal champions in a series of extraordinary sportingchallenges.
The first series of Last Man Standing was broadcast on Tuesdays at 9pm on BBC 3, and a second series is already being prepared.
The producers are currently conducting castings for this second series,of 12 one-hour broadcasts and are seeking one individual with anoff-road biking background.
That's where you could come in. Do you:
· Have a passion for sport and competition?
· A thirst to explore some of the most remote places on the planet?
· A desire to live with traditional tribes, and to learn from them?
If you're answering 'yes' on all three counts and can be free to go ona series of adventures from September 2007 to September 2008 you couldbe in with a shout.
The producers are not looking for one type of person, but people whobring different skills and backgrounds. They want young men -- 18 to 35-- who are very able in one or more sports.
Candidates should also have a strong desire totravel and get involved in the culture and activities of thetribes.
You'll visit communities all over the world, oftenin very remote places, with different climates. But they don't tell youexactly which community or sport you'll be dealing with before youarrive. That's part of the experience.
Over the 12 programmes you'll compete in a very wide range of activities that will test different skills.
In the first series the contributors wrestled against Mongolian nomads,ran with Mexican endurance runners, and played tribal cricket on aSouth Pacific Island amongst many other events.
Most of the trips take around two-weeks to complete, some a littlemore. The series is constructed from a number of separate adventuresrather than one long trip.
If YOU think you fit the bill either apply online at or e-mail