BEC Round cancelled due to land access
By Team TMX on 2nd Feb 16

Unfortunately due to issues with land access RAW Enduro's round of the ACU British Enduro Championship scheduled for May 28/29 has had to be cancelled
The news of the cancellation is disappointing for all involved in the British Enduro Championship and the members of RAW Enduro who were looking forward to creating a fresh and exciting BEC event.
Raw Enduro would like to thank the ACU and John Collins for their assistance in trying to get this new event up and running and also to David Knight for his offer of designing a "proper" old school Enduro event.
If any other potential organisers wish to apply for either a 1 or 2 day round of the ACU British Enduro Championship please contact Mary Kerr at the ACU via email at or 01788 566403 as soon as possible.