Breaking News
By TMX Archives on 25th Mar 07

KTM factory team rally rider Isidre Esteve Pujol of Spain has suffered severe injuries from a high speed crash while competing in the Spanish All Terrain Rally.
Spanish doctors have confirmed that the34-year-old Dakar Rally competitor has severe injuries to the seventh vertebraeand a number of broken ribs, one of which punctured a lung. Initially therider's injuries were life threatening but he is now out of danger and able tospeak, according to Pit Beirer, KTM Offroad Racing Director.
Esteve will certainly have to undergoserious surgery on his spine within the coming days, after which doctors will beable to more clearly establish the extent of his injuries and their possibleconsequences, Beirer said. The thoughts and sincere wishes of the entire KTMfamily are with him and his family at this very difficult time.