Shield just Nicks the win
By TMX Archives on 22nd Mar 07

WINNING scores in Lancs County's Angela Redford Trial, the second round of this year's ACU Classic Trials Series were fairly low on Saturday with the Veteran class, Twin-shock class and Pre-75 British Bike class all won on single figures, with Simon Levett, Nick Shield and Martyn Wilmore each doing the honours.
Three laps of 14-sections were on offer atBrookhouse Brickworks, just below the recently finished wind farm, andperhaps it would have been better if the fans had been turned off asthe wind and rain conditions were horrendous on the day!
Shield was the day's overall best performer,dropping just four marks, which was just two fewer than the six lost byPhil Wiffen, so Shield got his own back from the first round whenWiffen was the Twin-shock winner.
Rd 2 - Angela Redford Trial (Lancs County MCC)
Class A - Pre-75 Brit Bike: Martyn Wilmore (BSA) 9marks lost, Neil Gaunt (Ariel) 10, Tony Calvert (Triumph) 12, DaveThorpe (Triumph) 13, Scott Dommett (BSA) 14, John Maxfield (Triumph)16, Carl Batty (Villiers) 24, Mick Grant (Ariel) 35, Mark Quinn(Triumph) 40, Geoff Brooker (BSA) 67, Mike Crackles (Triumph) 78,Norman Barrow (Triumph) 84, Michael Batty (Villiers) 92 (8x0), TerryShepherd (BSA) 92 (7x0).
Class B - Twin-shock: Nick Shield (Bultaco) 4,Phil Wiffen (Fantic) 6, Roger Williams (Fantic) 9, Barry Roads (Honda)12, Nigel Birkett (Suzuki) 13, David Braithwaite (Bultaco) 16, StuartGaskell (Yamaha) 20 (30x0), Chris Haigh (Honda) 20 (29x0), JulianIngham (Fantic) 21, Daniel Beaven (Honda) 23 (32x0), Andrew BIngley(Majesty) 23 (30x0), John Holland (Majesty) 23 (28x0), Chris Grundy(Honda) 30, Stephen Bell (Honda) 33, Mike Edwards (Fantic) 40.
Class C - Air-cooled Mono: Nic Draper (Yamaha) 17,Pete Ruscoe (Honda) 21, Mark Reason (Fantic) 22, Lee Hutchinson(Yamaha) 28, Kevin Seward (Scorpa) 31, Jon Dunne (Montesa) 39, KevinPeters (Fantic) 49, Steve Ransom (Yamaha) 61, Dave Oswald (Honda ) 70.
Class D - Veteran Over 40: Simon Levett (Montesa)8, John Hulme (Gas Gas) 11, Keith Fawcett (Gas Gas) 13, Mark Barrow(Scorpa) 16, Tim Blackmore (Scorpa) 17 (33x0), Ian Haigh (Gas Gas) 17(32x0), Perry Meeten (Honda) 18, Phil Scott (Montesa) 20 (34x0), SteveHitchcock (Gas Gas) 20 (29x0), Leigh Elliott (Gas Gas) 25, NigelWorthington (Gas Gas) 30 (26x0), Alistair Haigh (Scorpa) 30 (23x0),Martin Gilbert (Gas Gas) 32, Stewart Ormesher (Montesa) 39, Dave Brown(Gas Gas) 41.
Class E - Veteran Over 50: Antony Brockbank(Sherco) 12 (35x0), Stephen Farrall (Gas Gas) 12 (33x0), Allen Collier(Beta) 17, Andrew Chandler (Gas Gas) 23, Mike Rapley (Montesa) 37, JonBliss (Sherco) 39, Martin Greenwood (Beta) 40, Phil Clarkson (Montesa)46, John Penfold (Beta) 52 (18x0), Kevin Stannard (Gas Gas) 52 (17x0),Tony Haddow (Montesa) 53, Dave Ketteringham (Sherco) 63, Mike Husband(Gas Gas) 67, Jim Cammack (???) 68, Ian Gent (Beta) 99.
NEXT ROUND: March 18 - Bootle Classic Trial (Bootle SC).
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, March 23, 2007.