British Grand Prix popular with Europeans

By TMX Archives on 3rd Apr 09


While the weak pound makes travelling to overseas events expensive for British motocross fans, the reverse is true for their European counterparts. Fans from across Europe have been taking advantage of the exchange rate that makes a trip to the Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, to be held at Mallory Park on 30th and 31st May, an attractive proposition.

Tickets for the Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain went on sale justtwo weeks ago via the official event website at,with sales so far indicating that this year's event will be held infront of a bigger crowd than in 2008.

"What we've seen so far with the ticket sales has been encouraging,but the biggest surprise has been just how many tickets have beenbought from outside of the United Kingdom," explained Gareth Hockey,Director of event promoters RHL Activities Limited.

"In 2008 only around 15% of tickets for the British Grand Prix weresold outside of the UK, but the percentage is already much higher thisyear. Obviously the exchange rate has played a big part, with the weakpound and relatively strong Euro making a trip to Great Britain a muchcheaper option for European motocross fans than it has been in previousyears."

"Whatever the reason, we're looking forward to welcoming ouroverseas visitors, and seeing a crowd at the British Grand Prix thatbetter mirrors the truly international nature of the Motocross WorldChampionship."

The European invasion also means that campsite pitches could be at apremium for the 2009 Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, with manyoverseas visitors opting to stay under canvas within the eventperimeter, rather than travelling between a hotel and the track eachday.

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