Busters' bits
By TMX Archives on 9th Aug 07

PAUL Winrow was in a class of his own as he won both Pro Quad races at last weekends eleventh running of the Leukaemia Busters Charity Motocross staged by Hampshire MXC and the Matterley Basin GP track.
While Winrow was doing his stuff in the Quads,Luke Blanchard dominated both races in the Group A solo motocross andcrossed the finish line miles in front of his rivals.
But the real winner last weekend was the leukaemiacharity, where rough estimates placed this year's fund-raising totalvery close to last years total of £30,817 and gave the hard-workingmembers of the club, headed by Jaime Sanderson, an 11-year runningtotal of close to £180,000!
Most of the money was raised in the beer tentwhere all the proceeds went to the charity, then there was a horseracing game, loads of raffles, and an auction where items from as smallas a baseball cap right through to a plasma TV and an eight-seater spapool - which was tried out - all going under the hammer.
It must be said that lots of time and effort byclub members went into obtaining all the raffle prizes and auctionitems, but without the help of ‘DJ Stumpy' the takings would have beena lot lower.
The man was relentless and could extract money outof the deepest pockets with his gift of the gab and quick thinking. Heeven managed to get Luke Lambert, who had had more then a couple ofbeers to have his head shaved for £320.
Now back to the racing...
The Matterley Basin track was last used for lastyear Motocross des Nations and still looked very impressive, evenwithout all the GP paraphernalia, but the hot sun of the couple of daysbefore the event had made the surface hard and dusty, even withwatering, and was perhaps a bit too ‘full-on' for many of the riders.
LEUKAEMIA BUSTERS CHARITY MOTOCROSS Matterley Basin, Winchester (Hampshire MXC)
Pro Quads: 1 Paul Winrow (450 Interlock Honda), 2Stefan Murphy (450 Yamaha), 3 Danny Smith (450 Honda), 4 JamieKawalazki (450 Yamaha), 5 Greg Fisher (450 Honda), 6 Richard Willcock(450 Yamaha).
Support Quads: 1 Nigel Mundy (450 Honda), 2 ChrisGyles (450 Honda), 3 Marcus West (450 Yamaha), 4 Mark Smith (500Husaberg), 5 Phillip Kemp (450 Honda), 6 Dean Turner (450 Honda).
Solo Group A: 1 Luke Blanchard (250 KTM), 2 ChrisSouthcott (250 KTM), 3 Tony Tunnell (450 Husaberg), 4 Graham Legge (450Suzuki), 5 Alex Griffen (450 Honda), 6 Rupert Heaton (450 Honda).
Solo Group B: 1 Paul Dunford (250 Honda), 2 LeeWebber (250 Honda), 3 Craig Cartwright (125 Yamaha), 4 Paul Palmer (250Honda), 5 Billy Lovegrove (250 Yamaha), 6 Steve Humphrey (250 Suzuki).
Solo Group C: 1 Bradley Humphreys (250 Suzuki), 2Norman Emery (450 Yamaha), 3 Peter Malone (250 Kawasaki), 4 Mark Kirby(250 Honda), 5 Ross Emery (450 Yamaha), 6 Eugene Engelbrecht (250Honda).
Solo Group D: 1 Bob Wingate (125 KTM), 2 AdamTabrett (450 Kawasaki), 3 Shaun Arnold (250 Kawasaki), 4 Simon Jones(250 Suzuki), 5 Mark Aitken (250 Kawasaki), 6 Matt Freemantle (250Honda).
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, August 10, 2007.