Cancellation of Ken Hall International Trophy
By TMX Archives on 8th Aug 07

FOLLOWING an emergency meeting between the Langrish MCRC committee and landowners on Tuesday, the club regrets to inform you that the recent outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the south of the country has caused the first ever cancellation of the Ken Hall International Trophy, due to have been held on August 27.
"The club feels that the future of motocross inthis area must be protected for the future and that this is the rightdecision, although not an easy one to have made, but it is totallysupported by the landowners and the Hall family, who we have discussedthe position with today," explained a spokesman.
This famous meeting is the oldest International motocross meeting in Europe and has successfully run for the past 40 years.
During the last Foot and Mouth outbreak, in2001, the cub was still able to run, abiding by the guidelines andrestrictions enforced. However, with this latest outbreak beinggeographically close to the venue, the club feels obliged to respectthe landowner's understandable fears and concerns and has decided tocancel the event.
Organiser, Chris Warren, said: Both the landownerand ourselves are very disappointed to be cancelling the 41st runningof the Ken Hall Trophy, but we have an excellent relationship with thelandowner and obviously do not wish to threaten his livelihood. Withthis outbreak at such an early stage there is no indication or guidanceas to whether the restrictions will be extended any further and theclub has taken the decision to reduce the concerns of the landowner,who has supported the club's activities for such a long period of time.