By TMX Archives on 7th Jan 10


The following events have been called off

National Collinson Trial cancelled

RELUCTANTLY the committee of Scarborough and DMC has cancelled this Sunday's, January 10,  National Cliff Collinson Trial due to heavy snowfall in the North Yorkshire area, with more snow forcast.

The event had been scheduled at the club's own venue at Low North Park, Harwood Dale, Scarborough.

Entry fees will be refunded as soon as possible. For further details contact event secretary Mrs Eileen Race on 01723-863987.

NB: Any other clubs forced to cancel or postpone an event this weekend can utilise the T+MX website to help inform would-be competitors. Club secretaries are asked to e-mail with the information they wish us to post before 4pm on Friday afternoon.


UKXC Forest Challenge postponed

THE opening round of the UKXC Forest Challenge, co-promoted by MWTRA and WOR Events, has been postponed for three weeks.

Originally due to run this coming Sunday (Jan 10) at Colstey, the event has now been re-scheduled for January 31, weather permitting. Regs remain unchanged.

Access to the Colstey venue is a no-go at the moment and the event was re-scheduled even before this week's additional snow and ice added to access problems.

We're told that the course itself is rideable, but tough going at the moment, however it is the access and parking which has created the real problem.

MWTRA and WOR Events regret having to make this change but even these two influential outfits cannot control the weather!

NB: Any other clubs forced to cancel or postpone an event this weekend can utilise the T+MX website to help inform would-be competitors. Club secretaries are asked to e-mail with the information they wish us to post before 4pm on Friday afternoon.


Wetherby trial axed

WETHERBY and District MC Ltd cancelled its West Yorkshire  Championship Filtrate Trophy Trial late on Wednesday evening.

The event, scheduled for this Sunday, January 10, should have taken place at Bayliss Gap Farm, Bewerley, Pateley Bridge.

"The situation is quite hopeless with more snow falling and further freezing temperatures forecast. The parking area is inaccessible and will remain so for some time," explained Margaret Myers, general secretary of the club.

NB: Any other clubs forced to cancel or postpone an event this weekend can utilise the T+MX website to help inform would-be competitors. Club secretaries are asked to e-mail with the information they wish us to post before 4pm on Friday afternoon.


Mansfield called off

MANSFIELD Maun MCC had a trial planned for this coming Sunday, January 10, at Eadons Field. However, club officials contacted the T+MX office on Tuesday this week to advise that they have decided to cancel the event as it was impossible to get down the hill to the venue because of ice.

Anyone wishing further information should contact Terry or Lynda Crebtree on 01623-628176.

NB: Any other clubs forced to cancel or postpone an event this weekend can utilise the T+MX website to help inform would-be competitors. Club secretaries are asked to e-mail with the information they wish us to post before 4pm on Friday afternoon.

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