Cardiff Volkswagen back Weston again
By TMX Archives on 21st Jun 07

THE 25th anniversary of the Weston Beach Race, which will be staged later this year on the weekend of October 20/21, has received a major boost with the news that Cardiff Volkswagen have renewed their sponsorship of the Youth classes for the fourth consecutive year. The car and commercial vehicle dealership, that represents Volkswagen throughout South East Wales, has consistently built on their partnership with the event since 2002 and have once again increased their commitment to tomorrow's off-road motorcycle stars.
In addition to providing the trophies for the topthree in both Youth classes they will award medals, to all riders whofinish the races, from their hospitality and trade site situated on themain sea front road. In conjunction with Ray Hockey Racing, CardiffVolkswagen will also supply a set of No Fear racing kit to the winnersof both the 65cc and 85cc races.
Managing Director, David Pugh-Jones, himself akeen motorcycle rider, said, ''We have enjoyed our sponsorship of thebeach race for the last three years, and it has also been acommercially successful activity. But most importantly, we see theinclusion of Youth classes as a high priority both for the personal and competitive development of these young people.''
Gareth Hockey, Director of event promoters RHLActivities, is understandably delighted that Cardiff Volkswagen hassigned up for a fourth year. Said Gareth, ''David has put a lot intothe Youth side of the beach race over the last three years and I amextremely grateful for his input. It has allowed us to develop thiselement of the event to a point where we have a very high entry leveland good competitive races. We are all looking forward to working withCardiff Volkswagen again at this year's silver anniversary event.''