CCM named title sponsor of MMX
By John Dickinson on 15th Mar 07

BRITISH motorcycle manufacturer CCM has announced title sponsorship of the MMX motocross series, Britain's number one motocross series for Under 21s, sidecars and Quad riders for the 2007 season - provoking rumours that the famous Bolton-based manufacturer is planning to re-enter the motocross market with a new model!
The press release stated: Following productive discussions with theBolton based manufacturer, ACU Championship Co-ordinator Roy Barton ispleased to confirm that the series will now be known as the CCM BritishMMX Motocross Championship.
CCM was synonymous with top level motocross throughout the 70's and80's with success both at the British Championship and on the GrandPrix scene. It flew the flag for Britain in the days when the Japanesemanufacturers were coming to the fore.
CCM's last foray into the World of MX was back in 1995 when the lateand great Donny Schmit of the USA won the World Four-strokeChampionship for the British firm. That was just before the four-strokerevolution swept two-strokes aside.
Gary Harthern, CCM Managing Director said, ''CCM always played David tothe Goliaths in battle at the very highest level and it's been way toolong for CCM to have been away from the sharp end of the action. We seethis sponsorship deal as a great re-introduction of the CCM brand backinto mainstream motocross. We hope that during the course of this yearwe'll be able to show the world a new motocross project that willreflect our company's strategy for the future.
''These are exciting times for the small band of people at CCM andwe're really pleased to be associated with the Under 21, Four-stroke,Quad and Sidecar championships.''
As part of CCM's continued strategy to get back into the marketplacethey are sponsoring a sidecar MX Team, formerly JLR Racing. The newteam will take on the main team sponsor name of CCM and will compete atBritish and Grand Prix levels with their number one pilot John Lines.
Roy Barton, series co-ordinator added ''The MMX championship has come along way over the last five years or so starting out as a partnershipbetween the Sidecar and Four-stroke classes. The hotly contested Under21 Championship then joined to make it a three class series andproduced the likes of Tom Church, Stephen Sword and Mark Hucklebridgein its first year. For 2007 the Quad Championship has become fullyintegrated within the British MMX Series, with QRA's Tony Nash joiningthe organising team.''
Barton continued. ''The series relies strongly on the input of sponsorsto maintain the high standard of events that the series runs at and weare extremely happy to welcome CCM on board as series sponsors andsupporters.''