Champion Fry!
By TMX Archives on 27th Sep 07

JAMES Fry is the 2007 Novogar National Trials Champion! A four-mark advantage over nearest challenger Gary Jenkins in the final round guaranteed the south coast rider the title from the Welsh champion.
Showing a marked im-provement from 13th place atthe Vic Britain Trophy Trial, round one of this year's Novogar trialschampionship, up to a superb win at the Lomax, and runner-up to WayneHoldsworth at the Victory trial, Sherco-riding James was runner-up tothe on-form Ross Danby in the final round, Mid Wales Centre's PowysTrophy trial, on Sunday.
First and last round outright winner, Danby cruised through the first20 sections on his buzzing 125 Gas Gas before the punch card change onthe one lap 40 section course, without losing a single mark. Rossreluctantly parted with two single marks through the second card,matched by Fry, but James had already lost two before the change-over,as Championship challenger Jenkins blotted his copybook with one andthree on his first card and recorded another three on the second tofinish just one mark ahead of ex-Novogar champion Chris Pearson (noteligible to score points) but at least held off young fellow-WelshmanMiles Jones who beat north eastern visitor John Crinson by three cleansin a tie break, and Matthew Jones by one mark.
With this result, Crinson climbed to fourthoverall in the series, ahead of no show Lee Sampson who dropped furtherdown the lists behind Danby, who won every round he rode in the 125class, to take the 125 title and to finish a creditable fifth overallin the series.
Best of a strong Over 40 class, Richard Allenheaded the Veterans yet again to win the Championship by a huge pointsmargin ahead of fellow John Lee-supported rider Michael James who wasbeaten on the day by yet another John Lee rider, John Cowley, all threesafely clear of Barry Roads, who, one fiasco away from a round ton, hadone mark to spare over Ricky Clements.
NOVOGAR TRIALS CHAMPS Rd 8 Mid Wales Trial (Mid Wales Centre ACU).
NOVOGAR POINTS SCORERS: Ross Danby (125 JST GasGas) 2 marks lost, James Fry (290 MRS Sherco) 4, Gary Jenkins (290 MRSSherco) 7, Miles Jones (Montesa 4RT) 11 (33x0), John Crinson (290 MRSSherco) 11 (32x0), Mathew Jones (290 MRS Sherco) 12, Dan Farrer (300JST Gas Gas) 15, Simon Welch (270 Beta) 17, Shaun Fox (270 Gas Gas) 22,Buster Regan (250 Repsol Beta) 24, Aled Price (Gas Gas) 30, DarrenWilliams (250 Montesa 4RT) 38, Ben Wibberley (Stevens Gas Gas) 39,Wayne Holdsworth (280 INTA Gas Gas) 43, Richard Allen (250 Montesa) 44.
FINAL NOVOGAR SERIES STANDINGS after 8 rounds(best 7 scores to count): 1 James Fry 98 points (CHAMPION), 2 GaryJenkins 92, 3 Mathew Jones 81, 4 Crinson 61, 5 Danby 61, 6 Farrer 57, 7Sampson 55, 8 Holdsworth 49, 9 Walker 49, 10 Wigg 34, 11 Blackman 31,12 Regan 31, 13 Timperley 27, 14 Wibberley 27, 15 Jones 25, 16 Crease24, 17 Roberts 24, 18 Welch 23, 19 Hemingway 20, 20 Cripps 18,
FINAL NOVOGAR OVER 40 SERIES STANDINGS: 1 Richard Allen 129, 2 Michael James 72, 3 John Cowley 65,...
FINAL NOVOGAR 125cc SERIES STANDINGS: 1 Ross Danby 97 points, 2 Alexz Wigg 37, 3 Lee Shankie 20,...
Non-championship Expert Class: Chris Pearson (290 MRS Sherco) 8 marks lost.