Unlucky for Shaun
By TMX Archives on 27th Sep 07

SHAUN Morris, the Charnock Richard (Preston) based rider is out of Britain's Trial des Nations team this weekend after suffering an unfortunate and quite horrific accident in his workshop last Friday which has left him unable to see out of his left eye.
While carrying out maintenance, Shaun wastightening up the handlebar clamps on his Gas Gas when the clamp brokeand a piece of metal flew across his eye, leaving a nasty gash thatbled profusely. Shaun was taken to hospital where the eye was tendedbut was told that a full examination could not be carried out todetermine the damage and subsequent treatment until the bleeding hadsubsided.
Shaun was advised to rest and be as still as possible over the weekend, and he was due to see an eye specialist on Tuesday.
Said his Dad Steve, The bottom line is that weare out of the Nations on Sunday. It was a freak accident but his eyeis currently in a real mess and he can't see out of it. Until Shaunsees the specialist we have no idea how long it will take to heal. Atthe moment, he can't see out of it and that is that. I contacted theACU straight away so they could make alternative arrangements.
Obviously we are looking towards the finalBritish Championship trial on October 7 at Skyrakes but I have no ideawhether he will be able to ride or not. At the moment it doesn't lookgood. We just have to wait and see.
This is a real blow to Shaun who has worked hardto get back on terms with Graham (Jarvis) in the British series and wasreally looking forward to the showdown. There's nothing much more thatI can say at rthe moment.
Having won the last round of the series, at HookWoods on September 16, Shaun had clawed his way back to go into thefinal round just two points adrift of reigning champ Jarvis.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for the popular Lancashire lad.