Chile time for Italy and Spain
By TMX Archives on 22nd Nov 07

ACITALY and Spain ended the 82nd running of the ISDE as the big winners as they topped the World Trophy and World Junior Trophy classes respectively in La Serena, Chile, while Britain claimed a deserved fifth in the Trophy category but a disappointing 10th in the Junior Trophy class.
Finn Jari Mattila, Frenchman Johnny Aubert and USrider Kurt Caselli topped the E1, E2 and E3 classes respectively whileBritain's best individual results came from Tom Sagar who finishedfourth in E1 and Paul Edmondson who placed seventh in the E2 class
AT the end of a long and demanding week, theItalian Trophy team of Alex Salvini, Alessandro Belometti, AlessandroBotturi, Maurizio Micheluz, Fabrizio Dini and Andrea Belotti were theriders with the biggest smiles on their faces as, collectively, theytopped the World Trophy team competition at the 82nd running of theISDE held in Chile.
Finishing comfortably ahead of France, Italy'sconsistency paid-off for them as, despite none of their team memberstopping any of the capacity classes, they took control of the Trophyteam competition after last year's winners, Finland, lost two of theirriders, dropping them to 16th place in the final classification.
With Italy winning ahead of France and Sweden, TheNetherlands team enjoyed the many sandy special tests used throughoutthe week to claim a surprise fourth place result with Britain claiminga very respectable fifth.
Finishing just two minutes behind The Netherlands,Britain's result was helped by strong individual performances from PaulEdmondson and Tom Sagar as Eddy claimed seventh in the E2 class and Tomfourth in the E1 category.
Despite many of the World's best enduro ridersstaying away from the event for various reasons, the Chilean six daysattracted an entry of 500 riders and proved to be an eventfulcompetition – one in which last year's overall ISDE winner JuhaSalminen failed to finish.
With conditions much drier and sandier than manywere expecting, each day threw up its own challenges with the constantdust, rock and cactus littered desert floor and long time checkscombining to make things tough.
Despite Juha Salminen's last minute decision notto ride in the Enduro 1 class, Finland still claimed the top honours inthe smallest of the three capacity classes as Jari Mattila, who hadraced a 450cc Beta in this year's WEC, topped the class aboard his KTM.
But it was Spain's Yamaha-mounted youngsterCristobal Guerrero who took an early lead in E1 as the Junior Trophyteam member topped days one and two. With Mattila then winning daysthree, four and five, the final day showdown ended with just 24 secondsseparating the two riders as Mattila claimed the class win ahead ofGuerrero.
Third overall in the E1 class went to Italian AlexSalvini. A motocross rider competing in his first ever enduro as areplacement rider for the injured Simone Albergoni, Salvini improvedwith each passing day to finish as high as third in class on day fourbefore going on to record the fastest E1 class time during the finalday's motocross races and earn himself a well-deserved third place E1class finish.
Competing in international competition on a 250ccfour-stroke for the first time, having planned to race in the E2 classin Chile, British Trophy team rider Tom Sagar claimed a solid fourthplace result having finished as high as fourth in class on days threeand four, as well as winning one test outright.
2007 ISDE La Serena, CHILE
FINAL RESULTS (after 6 days)
OVERALL: 1 Italy 0.00 (Alex Salvini, AlessandroBelometti, Alessandro Botturi, Maurizio Micheluz, Fabrizio Dini &Andrea Belotti), 2 France 5:11.80 (Johnny Aubert, Fabien Planet, DamienMiquel, Julien Gauthier, Jordan Curvalle & Nicolas Deparrois), 3Sweden 18:45.30 (Joakim Ljunggren, Andreas Toresson, Patrik Wicksell,Peter Bergvall, Fredrik Georgsson & Bjorne Carlsson), 4 Holland37:00.18, 5 UNITED KINGDOM 39:10.40 (Tom Sagar, Paul Edmondson, EuanMcConnell, Dylan Jones, Chris Hockey & Edward Jones), 6 Australia46:41.72, 7 Germany 48:42.90, 8 United States 54:52.38, 9 Chile1:01:42.25, 10 Czech Republic 1:04:12.15, 11 Canada 2:09:58.53, 12Japan 2:47:00.33, 13 Greece 2:49:29.70, 14 Venezuela 3:09:41.13, 15Mexico 4:20:09.53, 16 Finland 5:52:22.00, 17 Ecuador 6:39:33.39, 18Colombia 24:22:50.59, 19 Hungary 35:39:17.59, 20 Uruguay 43:03:40.02.
OVERALL: 1 Spain 0.00 (Cristobal Guerrero, OriolMena, Lorenzo Santolino & Carlos Andreu), 2 France 8:50.45 (MarcBourgeois, Christophe Nambotin, Jean Charles Gilbert & JulienDubac), 3 Finland 19:29.02 (Antti Hellsten, Olli Turma, Roni Nikander& Patrick Wikman), 4 Australia 24:00.87, 5 Chile 28:33.96, 6 UnitedStates 34:49.15, 7 Czech Republic 42:58.67, 8 Argentina 43:59.84, 9 NewZealand 59:44.96, 10 UNITED KINGDOM 1:16:42.32 (Greg Evans, OllieMoyce, Lee Edmondson & Ashley Wood), 11 Sweden 2:46:54.65, 12Mexico 3:55:42.10, 13 Germany 4:21:53.45, 14 Italy 8:19:19.54, 15Colombia 23:10:33.58.
OVERALL: 1 Yamaha UFO Corse 5:43.47 (JohnnyAubert, Cristobal Guerrero & Alex Salvini), 2 KTM Factory Team Two7:29.49 (Kurt Caselli, Jari Mattila & Fabien Planet), 3 YamahaChile One 56:33.98 (Franco Caimi, Nicolas Urrutia & CristobalUrrutia),...
OVERALL: 8 BAFMA (Kevin Murray, Darren Hughes& Darren Wilcock),.... 35 West of England MCC (Justin Wilson, MarkHouson & Julian Crimp),...
E1 CLASS: 1 Jari Mattila (SF - KTM), 2 CristobalGuerrero (E - Yam), 3 Alex Salvini (I - Yam), 4 Tom Sagar (GB - KTM), 5Maurizio Micheluz (I - Yam), 6 Andreas Toresson (S - Suz), 7 MarcBourgeois (F - Hva), 8 Damien Miquel (F - Kaw), 9 Ralph Hubers (NL -Yam), 10 Julien Gauthier (F - Hon),... 19 Greg Evans (GB - KTM),... 24Dylan Jones (GB - Yam),... 45 Lee Edmondson (GB - Hon),... Rtd EdwardJones (GB - KTM),... Rtd Ashley Wood (GB - Hon),...
E2 CLASS: 1 Johnny Aubert (F - Yam), 2 AlessandroBelometti (I - KTM), 3 Joakim Ljunggren (S - Hbg), 4 Fabrizio Dini (I -Yam), 5 Jeremias Israel (CHL - Hon), 6 Hans Vogel (NL - Yam), 7 PaulEdmondson (GB - Suz), 8 Petri Pohjamo (SF - Hon), 9 Joshua Strang (AUS- Suz), 10 Vicente Israel (CHL - Hon),... 34 Ollie Moyce (GB - Yam), 35Chris Hockey (GB - Hva),...
E3 CLASS: 1 Kurt Caselli (US - KTM), 2 MarkoTarkkala (SF - KTM), 3 Fabien Planet (F - KTM), 4 Alessandro Botturi (I- Hon), 5 Valtteri Salonen (SF - Hsb), 6 Marcus Kehr (D - KTM), 7Patrik Wicksell (S - KTM), 8 Christophe Nambotin (F - Gas), 9 ErwinPlekkenpol (NL - Hon), 10 Jordan Curvalle (F - She),... 13 EuanMcConnell (GB - TM),...
See T+MX News, Friday, November 23, 2007 for full report and pictures.