Coppins second at MX season opener
By TMX Archives on 11th Feb 08

Factory Yamaha Rinaldi racer, Josh Coppins, has finished second at the International Motocross season opener in Mantova, Italy. The New Zealander, who has openly admitted his dislike of the tight sandy circuit, racked up a 7-4-4 result, following home fellow team-mate David Philippaerts.
Coppins, also finished second in the one-on-one challenge, coming up againstEstonian Tanel Leok in the final match. This event sees two riders go head tohead for a one lap knock out system until the two fastest challenges are leftover to battle in the grand finale.
It's been a tough weekend really, commented Coppins. I had a pretty hardcrash on Saturday and saw a few stars but was happy with my times up to thatpoint. In the first moto on Sunday I had a good start but then slipped out in acorner and went down. I managed to work my way back from around twentieth toseventh which wasn't too bad. The next two races were pretty consistent with twofourth positions. I didn't enjoy the track however this has been my best Mantovafinish ever so I'll take it. I was happy with the new bike and suspension andgot decent starts so we have a good base to work from.
Coppins is scheduled to race the Italian championship in Montevarchi nextweekend and will be staying in Italy for further testing.
Moto 1
1. Jonathan Barragan
2. David Philippaerts
3. Max Nagl
4.Marc de Reuver
5. Tyla Rattray
6. Steve Ramon
7. JoshCoppins
8. Seb Pourcel
9. Kevin Strijbos
10. Bas Verhoeven
Moto 2
1. David Philippaerts
2. Marc De Reuver
3. SebPourcel
4. Josh Coppins
5. Steve Ramon
6. Kevin Strijbos
7.Max Nagl
8. Tanel Leok
9. Tommy Searle
10. Manuel Priem
Moto 3
1. Jonathan Barragan
2. Tanel Leok
3. DavidPhilippaerts
4. Josh Coppins
5. Tommy Searle
6. ManuelPriem
7. Kevin Strijbos
8. Steve Ramon
9. Max Nagl
10. Rui Goncalves
Overall MX1:
1. David Philippaerts
2. Josh Coppins
3.Jonathan Barragan
4. Marc De Reuver
5. Max Nagle
6. Steve Ramon
7.Tanel Leok
8. Kevin Strijbos
9. Sebastien Pourcel
10 Clement DeSalle