Donington is go!
By TMX Archives on 18th Jul 07

THE 2007 MX Grand Prix of Great Britain, scheduled for August 25/26, is definitely ON and you will be able to cheer on Billy MacKenzie, Tommy Searle and co to British glory!
Following a renegotiating of the contract between promoters DoningtonPark Leisure and MXGP, owners Youthstream, DPL has announced that notonly will this year's event go ahead on a brand new motocross circuitat Donington - the British GP will be staged there for the next FOURyears - up to and including 2010!
Since T+MX first broke the news, back in January, that Doningtonwould be hosting the MXGP, little information had been forthcoming fromDPL apart from that they did not want any confusion between theirestablished MotoGP and the MXGP but with just six weeks to blast-off itis now all systems go!
DPL has since contracted former Donington employee Robert Fearnellto crack on with organising this year's MXGP and on Monday of this weekthe first loads of 60,000 tons of soil arrived at Donington and theshaping of a brand new GP track began.
The track is being built on the inside of the road-race circuit withthe start gate opposite the pits complex - which will be used for thepaddock. DPL promise a first class track with excellent viewing andfirst class facilities for both teams and spectators.
There are acres of camping facilities available and Donington iswell-versed in looking after large numbers of campers through theirannual MotoGP promotion and also live music events such as the recentsuccessful Download festival.
Further details will be announced in T+MX just as soon as we have news.
Advance tickets are now available and you can book with or call 08700-429-669.
Advance Prices are as follows:
Raceday General Admission Adult £25, Child £12.
Weekend General Admission Adult £40, Child £20.
Weekend Camping extra £15 (huge campsite with licensed catering facilities).
Advance ticket prices subject to an 8% booking fee per transaction.
On-Day Prices:
Sunday General Admission Adult £35, Child £15.
Saturday General Admission Adult £20, Child £10.
Child: Accompanied by an adult, aged 15 years and under.
Donington Park: located next to East Midlands Airport, eight milessouth of Derby (easy access from the major roads - M1(Junctions23A/24), A42/M42 from Birmingham and A50/M6 from Stoke).