By John Dickinson on 1st Dec 06

NEVER a dull moment these days: if it isn't the big bad NEC Motorcycle Show jumping on the poor little Dirt Bike Show dates for 2007 it is the ACU going green with experiments on bio-fuels.
Both the above are page 2 stories this week. At least they will be if the theory of newspaper production works in practise and not just theory!
On the Show front, I will reserve full judgement for the moment. The NEC Show, run by the Motor Cycle Industry Association (MCIA), has apparently been forced to move from the dates it originally bagged by the fact that the mighty Milan Show – Europe's official bike show – moved its dates which clashed with the NEC. The NEC in turn tell us that the only alternative dates it could find clashed directly with those already released by The Dirt Bike Show organisers for Stoneleigh. Size matters (I never did believe the bit about the meek inheriting the earth) and the huge NEC boot landed Splat on The Dirt Bike Show dates. At time of writing this piece I have no idea what happens to The Dirt Bike Show. I did speak to Dave Watson of DBS promoters Promoto and Dave promised that T+MX would be the first to know. Promoto had to meet with the NEC Show organisers first and then decide on a plan of action. Maybe the Dirt Bike Show will run earlier, maybe later...
In the short time since the date clash surfaced there have been all kinds of conspiracy theories launched in the trade – such as, is the NEC Show – in the light its own plummeting attendances over the last few years – (down from over 200,000 to 145,000) planning to hijack the Dirt Bike Show in order to boost its own flagging fortunes. I wouldn't like to say – but I do know there are several interested parties circling the Showbiz arena awaiting developments. We'll keep you up to date on this one.
Moving on: The ACUs experimentation with bio fuels is most interesting, and it is something that T+MX is looking into with much interest. Can't knock the ACU for trying to get some retaliation in first for when we next come under attack from the ‘Green' lobby.
The initial competition experimentation is to take place on four-strokes but the most exciting point about burning bio-ethanol in two-strokes, along with bio-degradeable oil, would (allegedly) remove all of the environmental issues that have seen two-stroke engines either banned or discouraged. According to our enquiries this is a very genuine possibility – with apparetly minimal modifications required to the engine or carburettor required. The only possible downside is a necessary increase in fuel capacity as you need more bio-ethanol to do the same work as straight petrol.
As we all know, the sport's controlling bodies do not currently look kindly on two-strokes. And I am not totally convinced that this is purely on environmental grounds. To prove they are unbiased against the stroker (as opposed to bowing to possible commercial pressures) once the stroker gets its clean bill of health they could start by re-thinking the four-stroke v two-stroke capacty classes and get the strokers back on a level playing field.
During our ongoing research (most of the serious stuff is admittedly being done by Mannix) it fell to myself to consult an ancient but wise oracle on the subject, Mr B Robinson of Ilkley. Mr Robinson actually remembers the heady days of the 1950s when brave men used to up the compression of their big old singles (and when your Velo was running pump fuel on 6:1 compression you could stand an increase!) glug a few gallons of methanol (a close relation of bio-ethanol) into the tank, throw the main jet away and blow their rivals into the weeds.
BR also recalls that back in them thar days, the trick did not work on two-strokes, as apparently the oils back then did not mix readily and the venerable Villiers two-poppers tended to self-destruct.
Hopefully, the new generation of bio oils will lay that particular bogey to rest and the humble stroker can be transformed from the authorities' favourite Pantomime villain. Two-stroke: BOOOOO, HISSSSS to hero HURRAH!
It is obviously early days yet but research and production of bio-fuels is currently progressing at breakneck pace with many countries keen to cash-in on this clean, renewable form of energy and availability, one of the current stumbling blocks, is certain to increase in the coming years.
Here's to the ACU for being at the forefront of a technological drive – and two-stroke friendly technology at that!