Finishing touches
By TMX Archives on 12th Apr 05

This month's column comes courtesy of the flying Scotsman Euan McConnell's email account - I now owe him even more favours than before. This month's column comes courtesy of the flying Scotsman Euan McConnell's email account - I now owe him even more favours than before. But I'm sure he'll take tyres as payment for helping me get my column in on time.So, first things first and on to the opening round of the Fast Eddy Cross Country championship at Hawkstone Park. Most of you will be aware of the results by now and I'll admit that, once again, it was a tough event and like most riders I was completely shattered at the end. Saying that, winning my first event of the year is always a nice feeling and helped ease the pain of a hard three hours in the saddle.As for the rest of the team there were also some good results. Young Simon had his best Fast Eddy ride to fifth overall and first 125 while Euan - who's also typing this column up for me (think sexy secretary without the sexy bit) - was going well until he decided a short-cut would save him time and gain positions (only joking).In the process he decided to collect the track rope in his rear wheel, costing him nearly a full lap - or at least that's what he says. Anyway, I do believe he created quite a stir with the outside assistance rule. This rule only applies to enduro and doesn't exist in XC races other than for refueling. But enough of that - at the end of the day he certainly didn't gain positions so let's worry about racing.The next round of the Fast Eddy series may yet have a venue change as we're experiencing difficulties with the Donington event. I think we'll have a new venue sorted in the next week. My plan is not to race the next event but let the other lads do battle and hopefully see some close racing and one of the team on the podium - although if you don't win McConnell you are sacked! At the moment we're all sat watching Bridget Jones on video in the team truck in the middle of a field in Spain. We overlook a dumping ground and a MX track where we are practising leading up to this weekend's first WEC. Having time just to focus on practising and testing has been great fun and very constructive. Also, it's been good to train with other top riders from the WEC such as Merriman and Oblucki on the Spanish terrain.Today (Monday) we've been walking the enduro and MX tests for next weekend's event and the enduro test is the longest I've seen in 20 years racing (exactly how old are you grandpa? - EM). The plan for tomorrow is to do some more practising, enjoy the good weather and do some more test walking in the afternoon.That's it for this month - I need to finish watching Bridget Jones to make way for the Fast Eddy truck's premiere showing of the Evel Knievel video tomorrow night! Hopefully we'll have some more good news on the result front next month from all of us...