First in to Bat'

By TMX Archives on 11th Mar 10


FIRST round winner Len Hutty was edged into third place in the second round of the Normandale Traditional Classic Trials Championship for solos, which was integrated into the Camborne-Redruth club's Colin Dommett trophy event at Lanner in Cornwall on Sunday, by Cumbrian Carl Batty and local regular award winner Phil Wickett.

Batty lost single marks in the second, third and sixth subs in Penventon Quarry. He had a two at the Wellington Mine group plus two single mark debits at Carn-Marth.

Wickett and Hutty both fived the sixth sub at Penventon, and Wickett added three to his tally in Carn-Marth, and Hutty also fell victim to the moss covered slopes of Wellington Mine.

In the B class, Phil Wiffen kept his feet glued to the pegs until three subs from the end.


Rd 2 Colin Dommett Trial (Camborne Redruth & DMC)

CLASS A (Pre-75Brit Bike): Carl Batty (250 James) 7 marks lost, Phil Wicket (200 Triumph) 11, Len Hutty (410 Matchless) 12, Martyn Wilmore (420 BSA) 13, Dave Thorpe (200 Triumph) 20, Alan Wright (250 James) 27, Andrew Paxton (350 James) 30, David Strank (250 BSA) 36, Barry Burton (250 James) 38, Peter Gaunt (185 BSA) 48, Jim Ashford (350 BSA) 62, Peter Pollard (???) 98.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 Hutty 35 points, 2 Wicket 28, 3 Batty 28, 4 Thorpe 24, 5 Wilmore 22, 6 Chris Collins 17, 7 Alan Wright 15, 8 Paxton 13, 9 Rob Bowyer 10, 10 Alan Wright 10, 11 David Strank 8, 12 Graham Brown 7, 13 Gaunt 7, 14 Burton 7, 15 Neil Gaunt 6 ,...

CLASS B (Twin-shock): Phillip Wiffen (300 Fantic) 1 marks lost, Richard Allen (212 Fantic) 11, Kev Nolan (350 SWM) 14, Mark Hicken (300 Fantic) 19, David Pye (300 Fantic) 22, Ian Baker (200 Honda) 24, Robert Taylor (349 Montesa) 60.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 Wiffen 37 points, 2 Allen 37, 3 Nolan 30, 4 Pye 24, 5 Baker 21, 6 Hicken 13, 7 Mark Banham 10, 8 Taylor 9, 9 Steven Davies 9, 10 Andy Barrell 8, 11 Thomas Hick 7, 12 Clinton Leggett 6, 13 Barry Roads 5, 14 Mark Stokes 4, 15 Richard Kendra 3 ,...

CLASS C (Air-cooled Mono): George Edyvean (Fantic) 13 marks lost, Pete Ruscoe (250 Gas Gas) 45.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 Ruscoe 37 points, 2 Edyvean 20, 3 Wesley Butcher 17, 4 Daniel Watson 15, 5 Michael Kendra 13, 6 Graham Hick 11.

CLASS D (Over 40): Mark Thompson (???) 2 marks lost, Simon Levett (290 Beta) 11, Philip Martin (250 Montesa) 15, James Lamin (250 Montesa 4RT) 20, Ian Watts (Beta) 20, Philip Martin (250 Montesa 4RT) 25, David Richards (250 Beta) 26, Phillip Ducker (250 Beta) 34, Marcus Faulkner (250 Scorpa) 38, Trevor Widdowson (250 Montesa) 50, David Brown (250 Montesa) 56, Paul Evely (250 Yamaha) 68, John Laker (250 Sherco) 90, Jon Yendell (Beta) 93.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 P Martin 32 points, 2 Levett 30, 3 Thompson 20, 4 David Burrows 20, 5 Faulkner 16, 6 Ashley Hall 15, 7 James Lamin 14, 8 Widdowson 13, 9 Ian Watts 11, 10 Eric Clarke 11, 11 Philip Martin 10, 12 Ali Haigh 10, 13 David Richards 9, 14 Phillip Ducker 8, 15 Paul Nash 8,...

CLASS E (Over 50): Nic Draper (290 Sherco) 18 marks lost, David Lamin (250 Montesa) 19, Simon Thornhill (250 Sherco) 21, Stephen Farrall (250 Gas Gas) 24, Clive Charlton (250 Beta) 29, Kevin Stannard (250 Gas Gas) 42, John Penfold (250 Beta) 47, Chris Anstee (250 Beta) 55, Martyn Goodall (250 Gas Gas) 72, Dave Beckett (250 Beta) 72, Mark Thornhill (250 Gas Gas) 73, Andy Pattison (200 Honda) 75, Geoff Muston (125 Honda) 81, Colin Mew (250 Beta) 95.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 Draper 37 points, 2 Farrall 33, 3 Lamin 26, 4 Charlton 24, 5 Penfold 17, 6 Stannard 16, 7 S Thornhill 15, 8 Roy Palmer 15, 9 Steve Wells 11, 10 Goodall 11, 11 Paul Garrett 10, 12 Chris Anstee 8, 13 Mike Husband 7, 14 Beckett 6, 15 M Thornhill 5,...

CLASS F (Over 60): Jon Bliss (125 Gas Gas) 45 marks lost, Melroy Youlton (250 Gas Gas) 51, Barry Craig (Gas Gas) 131.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 rounds: 1 Bliss 40 points, 2 Craig 28, 3 Youlton 17, 4 Trevor Harvey 17, 5 Peter Salt 15.

NON-CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS: Terry Craig (125 Gas Gas) 7 marks lost, Scott Martin (Montesa 4RT) 84, Simon Ferris (125 Honda) 116.

NEXT ROUND: March 13 Angela Redford Trial at Brookhouse Brickwords, nr Lancaster (Lancs County MC)

Tuck'ing in another win

THE Colin Dommett Trial moved from it's traditional venue, down the road to near Redruth, but that did not stop the usual Saturday night out in the Central Bar, Newquay. So the good news for the sidecars was a late start, letting the solos go first with the sidecars away after 10.30am.

The Cambourne & Redruth MC again staged the third round of the Challenge Lusky British Sidecar Championship, based this year at the Coppice Inn at Lanner in West Cornwall. The weather was on the side of the organisers, bright, sunny, but cool



Rd 3 Colin Dommett Trial

(Camborne Redruth & DMC)

Championship Sidecar: Jon Tuck/ Matt Sparkes (290 Beta) 40 marks lost, Robin Luscombe/ Sam Luscombe (290 Beta) 51, Lee Granby/ Ealish Baxter (350 BSA) 81, Bernie Chambers/ Helene Allaway (290 JAM Sherco) 113, Gareth Andrew/ Keith Morcom (Gas Gas) 119.

SERIES STANDINGS after 3 (of 10) rounds: 1 J Tuck/ Sparkes 55 points, 2 Luscombe/ Luscombe 51, 3 Kimber/ Kimber 35, 4 Granby/ Baxter 23, 5 Chambers/ Allaway 22, 6 Flowers/ Smith 20, 7 Morewood/ Morewood 13, 8 Teare/ Birchall 13, 9 Andrew/ Morcom 11, 10 Stephens/ Davey 11, 11 Knight/ Molyneux 11.

Intermediate Sidecar: Tony Crabtree/ Jamie Howe (290 Sherco) 42 marks lost, Adrian Smith/ Aaron Smith (Gas Gas) 56, Mark Kemp/ Ian Allaway (Scorpa) 95.

SERIES STANDINGS after 3 (of 10) rounds: 1 Adi Smith/ Aar Smith 54 points, 2 To Crabtree/ Howe 37, 3 Granby/ Baxter 20, 4 Kemp/ Allaway 15, 5 Bimson/ Owen 15, 6 Morley/ Ashby 13.

Clubman Sidecar: Peter Dale/ Barry Pocock (270 Beta) 30 marks lost, David Tuck/ Steven Chandler (Beta) 42, Phil Sparkes/ Roger Tuck (BVM Beta) 47, Chris Dakin/ John Stanley (Sherco) 49, Mick Treagus/ Steve Gould (Gas Gas) 79, Mike Jewell/ Nathaniel Collins (270 RCM Beta) 93, Shaun Jenkin/ Phil Highland (Gas Gas) 103, Robert Head/ Aaron Jacobs (290 Sherco) 117, Andrew Jewell/ Kelly Jewell (Gas Gas) 127.

SERIES STANDINGS after 3 (of 10) rounds: 1 Dale/ Pocock 57 points, 2 Dakin/ Stanley 39, 3 P Sparkes/ R Tuck 35, 4 Treagus/ Gould 31, 5 Kissack/ Woods 19, 1 Rees/ Shore 15, 7 C Baxter/ Caine 15, 8 Head/ Jacobs 21, 9 D Tuck/ Chandler 28, 10 E Baxter/ Moore 11, 11 Haynes/ Haynes 9, 12 Abraham/ Crabtree 8, 13 B Christian/ L Christian 8, 14 M Jewell/ Collins 17, 15 McNee/ Roberts 7.

Newcomer Sidecar: Tristan Jenkin/ Carl Jenkin (Gas Gas) 87 marks lost, Sam Rule/ Gareth Udy (Sherco) 93, Alistair Allan/ Nick George (Beta) 144.

SERIES STANDINGS after 3 (of 10) rounds: 1 Jenkin/ Jenkin 20 points, 2 Rule/ Udy 17, 3 Allan/ George 15.

NEXT ROUND: April 11 Welsh Trophy Trial (Mid Wales Centre).


Jon Tuck and Matt Sparkes took their Beta outfit to a clear win, their second of the series, to remain at the top of the table.

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