'Foot and Mouth Disease' strikes again
By Mannix Devlin on 13th Sep 07

JUST four-days after all restrictions from the recent outbreak of 'Foot and Mouth Disease' had been lifted, the UK Chief Veterinary Officer, Debby Reynolds, confirmed another outbreak of 'Foot and Mouth' on Wednesday, September 12.
This latest infection is at a farm operatingacross a number of parcels of land at Egham, Surrey, just ten-milesaway from the Pirbright laboratory, source of the initial infection.
A 10km (6.2 mile) Protection Zone was immediately set up around the various parcels of land used by Milton Park Farm.
DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food andRural Affairs, said that cattle and pigs at another farm nearby werealso being slaughtered on suspicion of infection.
A further Temporary Protection Zone has beenplaced around a premises in Dereham, Norfolk. This is a precautionarymeasure. An assessment of clinical symptoms by Animal Health veterinarystaff has been carried out at this site, and laboratory test resultsare awaited.
A national movement ban - affecting cattle, sheep,pigs and other ruminants - has been imposed throughout England, andparallel arrangements are being made by the Scottish and Welshadministrations.
Jim Parker, Chairman of the ACU, once againoffered his condolences to farmers who must be completely devastated bythis latest news.
Off-road motorcycle sport is totally dependant on the goodwill of farmers for the use of their land.
In August a small number of events had to becancelled or postponed, and both competitors and organisers fullyunderstand the concerns and reasons behind the cancellations.
As the Isle of Man quickly reinstated disinfectantpolicies on all traffic into the island on Wednesday evening, the ACUreceived confirmation from the organisers of the largest event that maybe at risk, the Trials des Nations (TdN), scheduled for September28-30, on the island.
A representative of the host, Peveril MCC, said:...with conditions as they are at present the event will take place,although understandably, the Isle of Man authorities will beinstigating precautionary measures to ensure 'Foot and Mouth' is notcarried onto the island."
This weekend's finale of the Maxxis BritishMotocross Championship at Pontrilas is: "...99 percent certain to run,providing there is no escallation of the outbreak."
On Thursday afternoon discussions were stillongoing regarding this weekend's round of the British Solo TrialsChampionship. Hook Woods Trials Centre, at West Horsley, venue for theevent, is on private land. It is just a few milles outtside theProtection Zone but it does fall within the boundaries of the largerSurveillance Zone.
The latest news that T+MX has is that the event will run.
Two events which have been adversely affected arethe Pre-70 Inter Centre Team Trial, organised by Congleton and DMCC atBodkins Bank Farm, Mow Cop, and the British Sidecar Trials round,organised by the Yeadon Guiseley club at Kingstone Farm, Fellbeck, nrPateley Bridge.
Both events have been abandoned this weekend as both were due to use land on which cattle graze.
The Congleton club has cancelled this Sunday, but is hoping to find an alternative date for its event later in the year.