Future West would like to apologise
By TMX Archives on 15th Oct 07

Future West would like to apologise on behalf of their web site providers who for some reason as yet unexplained shut the site down last Saturday. And yes the bill is paid and up to date !!
Very frustrating, anyway it should be sorted out soon.
Meanwhile Future West would like to assure all of the riders who have been contacting thembyemail,phone and carrier pigeon not topanic,Any riders who have not yetbeen able to registerwill still be able to as soon as the technical wizardssort out the Future West site.Instead of closing registration on the 15 October asoriginallystated theregistration will nowstay openuntil everyone is takencare of. Also to clarifya question a lot of riders are asking - yesyou canpayyour registration feefor each individualround as it comes up but you mustpay your series feebefore the first round.
Future West's John Hellam thanks for you patience andunderstanding..
Keep checking the Future West site