Grand Prix Track build underway at Mallory

By TMX Archives on 3rd Apr 09


Work has now started on the track layout for the 2009 Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, which will take place at Mallory on 30th and 31st May, with the main aim being to provide a track that promotes close, exciting racing, whilst also enhancing the viewing experience for spectators.

The track building team, led by expert Justin Barclay, has alreadybegun making preparations for the track, which was purpose-built forlast year's inaugural Mallory Park British Grand Prix. Unfortunately,due to planning restrictions, part of the new circuit had to beflattened after the race weekend, which has effectively given Barclayand his crew a blank canvas to work with.

"Because we had to demolish part of the circuit after the race lastyear, it means we've now got a nice, big grassed area to play with whenit comes to building the track for the 2009 Motocross Grand Prix ofGreat Britain," explained Barclay.

Barclay and his crew are already busy designing new elements for thetop end of the Mallory park track, but the popular bombhole and doublejump from last year's event will remain. Spectator viewing will beimproved around this area, and a second access tunnel will be built toimprove access to the infield for spectators and medical vehiclesalike.

In order to keep some 'old-school' features in the design, the 360degree sandy corner in the trees section of track will remain, but moreoff-cambered turns will be added to make the circuit technical anddemanding for the Grand Prix competitors. A new table-top jump willalso be created before the finish-line, and its expected that the newlayout will be both entertaining for fans and testing for the world'sbest motocross riders.

"We have listened to the spectator feedback from last year, and it'sclear that we need another access tunnel into the centre of the track,"said Barclay. "We're going to add this element this year, which is alsouseful for the medics too. With the input from Gareth Hockey and RogerHarvey we've also been trying to keep some nice old-school features inthe course, to make it technically demanding and interesting for theriders, which should make the racing better too."

With the race-fans in mind, an all-new spectator banking area, whichis already under construction, has been introduced to improve thenumber of viewing areas around the track.

"This new banking area will be great for the spectators, as our aimis always to make as much of the course viewable from every spot aroundthe track. The new bank is already being constructed, and will beperfect for catching all of the action, so spectators should make surethey bring a deck chair with them for the ultimate armchair viewingexperience," concluded Barclay.

Tickets for the 2009 Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, whichthis year incorporates the British round of the World SupermotoChampionship, can be purchased online at Bigdiscounts are available on advanced tickets, and anyone purchasingtheir tickets before 17th April will automatically be entered into aprize draw, with the winner receiving two paddock passes, Sunday lunchfor two in the CAS Honda hospitality unit and the chance to meetreigning British MX1 champion, Billy Mackenzie.

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