British MXGP tickets on sale now

By TMX Archives on 3rd Apr 09


RHL Activities Limited are pleased to announce that ticket prices for the 2009 Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, which will take place at Mallory Park on 30th and 31st May, have now been finalised.

In keeping with their aim of making the Motocross Grand Prix accessibleto everyone, including families, RHL are offering huge discounts onadvanced ticket sales and a jam packed events schedule to keep everyoneentertained throughout the world championship race weekend.

Advance weekend tickets are priced at just £40, giving a saving of£20.00 compared to the gate price on the day. Families are also wellcatered for, with an advance family ticket for two adults and twochildren under the age of 12 costing just £85, saving a massive £71.00compared to paying on the day.

And if the savings weren't enough, spectators who purchase theirtickets before 17th April 2009 will automatically be entered into aprize draw, with the winner receiving two paddock passes, the chance tomeet reigning British Champion and MX1 title contender Billy Mackenzie,and Sunday lunch in the CAS Honda hospitality unit.

Tickets for the Motocross Grand Prix of Great Britain, which thisyear also includes the British round of the World SupermotoChampionship, will go on sale on Friday 13th March 2009.

Tickets can be purchased online via the official event website, or by calling the UK telephone hotline on +44(0)1873 840 640 or +44 (0)7812 674 249.

Advance tickets will be on sale until 12.00 on 22nd May 2008. Afterthis date tickets will only be available for purchase on the gate atthe event during ticket office opening hours.

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