It's here!
By TMX Archives on 22nd Nov 07

HERE it is, the moment you have been waiting for, the eagerly anticipated - T+MX News The Annual 2008!
This classy publication from the T+MX team is agenuine must-read 124-page, perfect-bound, off-road magazine, printedin a full-gloss A4 format.
And as well as looking and feeling like a milliondollars, TheAnnual contains an absolute shed-load of top classarticles, that we simply don't have space for in our jam-packed weeklypaper, that will keep you entertained for hours.
So, what exactly is in T+MX News TheAnnual 2008'?Well, the simplest way to describe it that there's something foreveryone. There are major articles on motocross (including sidecars),trials, enduro, supermoto and quads to start with.
Specifically, there's an absolutely superb articleon British super-hero, four times World Motocross Champion, DaveThorpe. Dave has always been The Man' to Brits of the old school buthis performance at the Donington MXGP gained him a whole new generationof fans. T+MX's long-standing motocross reporter Alex Hodgkinson hassat down with Thorpey and really got stuck into the task.
Meanwhile, Jonty Edmunds has done an equallythorough job on recording David Knight's first season on the Americancircuit. And Knighter does not hold back with his views of his newrivals. Explosive stuff!
And that's just for starters. Trials features anin-depth look at the current two-stroke versus four-stroke war on themachine front, searching for some definitive answers, plus an interviewwith Man of the Moment', Toni Bou, and a look at the exciting 2007Scott Trial which was ripped asunder by a certain Dougie Lampkin.
Dick Law took a trip to Belgium to see the bigall-star Mettet Superbiker' meeting and discovered what Supermotoracing really is all about... and he lets you in on the secret...
Alex Hodge is back with an expert's view of thehistory of the awesome Bercy Supercross, which amazingly celebrated its25th birthday this year, Mike Wood regails you with tales of histravels after he hit the European roads on the IMBA trail this yearwith the British AMCA boys, while Chris Helm has come up with acracking piece on the motive-power behind the top Sidecar-crossexponents this year. Mighty, meaty, motors!
And there's so much more. Like an EXCLUSIVE test on Tommy Searle's factoryKTM 250SX-F, a review of the 2007 World Enduro Championship plus asuper summing-up of the MXGP season, featuring the dominant Italiancharacter, Tony Cairoli.
Then there's 2008 bikes by the score, some ofwhich are featured strongly like the innovative BMW G450X whichchallenges conventional practice and the KTM144 which dares to bedifferent.
This is a just a great off-road magazine, whetheryou want to just dip in for a few minutes or whether you have time toget stuck into one of the in-depthfeature stories.
And it's all yours for the absolute bargain price of just 3.50!
So, how do you get hold of your copy of T+MXTheAnnual'? Well, selected retailers are WHS High Street Stores, OneStop and Martin McColls plus all good independent retailers. Toguarantee you don't miss out, you can buy it online and over the phone on 01524-834013 for 4.99to cover postage and packaging, or 7.99 for European delivery and10.99 for the rest of the world.
And T+MX News TheAnnual' will of course be onsale at the T+MX stand at The Dirt Bike Show at Stoneleigh Park andwhich, as everyone knows, runs from Thursday, December 6 to Sunday,December 9.