Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship 2007
By G2F on 29th Mar 07

Lyng is set for Easter showdown. Preview Rnd 3 Lyng Sunday 8th April.
Sunday 8th April will see the Maxxis British Motocross Championship visit thecounty of Norfolk, and more specifically the famous Cadders Hill circuit on theoutskirts of the village of Lyng. The grass valley has been a regular stop onthe domestic tour, for as long as any of you may wish to remember and is aclassic example of a traditional and natural scramble circuit that has evolvedto suit the modern era of the sport.
Norwich Vikings have been running meetings at the sand based track for overseventy years, although it was through hosting the televised trophy scramblesback in the 60's that the circuit firmly established itself on the off road map.Back in the days when the Grand Prix calendar was run on a totally separateclass basis, the club hosted a round of the 125cc World Championship in 1993,and is one of two tracks on the 2007 tour that can boast GP status.
The 1.82 km track opened the 2006 Championship with the CAS Honda pairing ofKen De Dycker and Josh Coppins each winning a moto apiece in the MX1 category.Having won both of the opening rounds of this year's series, De Dycker willarrive in Norfolk as the favourite, but is sure to once again come under severepressure from a rejuvenated Gordon Crockard PAR Honda and the hard chargingScot Billy Mackenzie De Groot Kawasaki. James Noble Multitek Honda, BradAnderson Pioneer Yamaha and Mark Eastwood Wiseco Pistons Honda are threeother riders who just may upset the leading trio when the action shifts to theEast of England.
Marc De Reuver dominated both MX2 races at Lyng in 2006, but it will be ShaunSimpson Wulfsport Kawasaki, Tommy Searle KTM UK or Mike Brown CAS Hondawho will be the men to beat this time around. However these three current frontrunners are sure not to have it all their own way with the likes of GarethSwanepoel and Tom Church both from the Molson Kawasaki team, plus Sean Hamblin Swift Suzuki all looking to take their first overall wins of the year. Hamblinmore than most will be looking to produce a very special performance, with thisbeing the home round for the Suffolk based, newly formed team.
The Cadders Hill track is situated one mile North of the A1067 Norwich toFakenham Road, or three miles from the A47 Norwich to King's Lynn Road and issignposted from these major roads on the day of the event. As per last year, twoentrances and exits will be used to assist with traffic flow in and out of thevenue. If you are using GPS Navigation Systems, the track is located at postcodeNR9 5AL.
If the first two rounds are anything to go by, then a trip to Lyng is a realmust for all off road fans. 9.30am will see the first action on the track withthe sound of the small thumpers in the MX2 class breaking the morning silenceras they go about their business of setting a qualifying time. The first supportrace kicks off at thirty minutes past mid day with the gate dropping on thefirst championship race at 1.05pm.
Full event info can be found on the club's own website which is linked to site., where you can also buy discounted advance tickets. Priceson the gate will be 20 for adults, 10 for kids / OAPs, whilst accompaniedchildren under fourteen years old will be free of charge.