Operation confirms paralysis
By TMX Archives on 30th Mar 07

KTM factory rider Isidre Esteve Pujol of Spain underwent surgery on Friday in Barcelona, Spain to stabilize a spinal injury sustained during a high speed crash last weekend.
The Spanish rider was injured while competing in the Spanish All Terrain Rally.
Specialists Dr. Villanova and Dr. Meir have reported after theoperation that the level of injury to the 7th and 8th vertebrae was such thatthe rider has suffered paralysis from the waist down. They must now wait forinflammation to subside from the spinal column to establish if any furthertreatment is at all possible. The situation must be considered serious and it istoo early to tell if certain experimental treatments for spinal injuries beingconducted in the USA and Canada will be able to help the injured rider. Estevewas wearing a neck brake, which is effective against neck injuries and a strongback protector but tragically, because of the nature of the crash, neitherprotective device was able to prevent this particular type of spinal injury.
KTM's Motor Sports Consultant and former motocross world champion HeinzKinigadner visited Esteve in hospital shortly after the accident and said thatconsidering the serious situation, the rider was in relatively good spirits. Heis able to speak, breathe and eat independently and was able to explain exactlyhow the accident happened.
Esteve was riding a 525 racing machine, not arally bike, Kinigadner said. He was traveling through a dry river bed at quitehigh speed when he hit a large rock. He was able to lift the front wheel butthen lost control and shot over the handlebars.
Esteve never lostconsciousness, Kinigadner reported. He thinks that that bike may have fallenon top of him but he is not sure. But he was aware from the moment of impactthat the injury was a serious one. Both KTM and sponsor Galoisses are standingby to offer Esteve whatever support is possible, Kinigadner said.