MX Diary: Nev's op goes well

By Team TMX on 10th Aug 16


As we reported at the end of June, Nev Bradshaw had been forced to take time out after being diagnosed with iliac arteriopathy a condition caused by years of cycling and riding motocross which causes a kink in the main artery at the hips.

The Heads & All Threads Suzuki rider's now had an operation and the good news is it appears to have been a complete success.

"I decided to take the chance and go ahead,” said Nev. "It ended up being a four-hour operation and they found the infected section extended all the way into the femoral artery.

"So they had to cut through my stomach and leg to fix it. 

"They cleaned out the artery and patched it with tissue from a cow and straight away when I woke up my left leg felt like a massive weight had been removed from it which the doctor says is a positive sign in people that have good results from the operation.”

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